Assallam Alahekum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu.

Mrs Medinat Abudul Malik Sherrif aomanya_west at
Fri Aug 23 23:55:33 UTC 2013


Assallam Alahekum Waramotullahi Wabarakatu.
Loving one in the ALMIGHTY ALLAH
I got your contact on my search in the Indian directorate on trust worthy ONG that will handle my desired project on the less privileges .
I am Mrs. Medinat Abudul Malik Sherrif, a French national born July 19, 1949 and I am under medical supervision for over (3) months since I have a brain tumor . My doctor just informed me that my days are numbered because of my health will increasingly degrading. I have a large sum of money, that I want to make available to you; so you can use it for good will to help the Muslims organizations, and Muslim orphanages including the widows and widowers and all the building of Arabic Islamic Schools.
I will forwrad you more details Pending the confirmation message of your approval and your ability to receive these funds I wish you the blessing and protect of Almighty (Allah Subuanahu Watahallah).Wasallam
Yours Sister in IslamMrs Medinat Abudul Malik Sherrif

Kenindia Assurance
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