Bug#788100: The bug is still there on new version

Eric Valette eric.valette at free.fr
Fri Jun 12 16:20:08 UTC 2015

As expected... Tell me if you want a full trace again with new version.

undefined coderate HP
           F4294967 B8 M64 C999 D999 G8 T8 other_frequency=0 (0)
           0 frequencies
         find_transponder(8442:8442:1):          -> found 
'new_transponders(000)'  QAM_AUTO f = 474000 kHz 
I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:1)
         updating transponder:
            (QAM_AUTO f = 474000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 
(8442:8442:1)) 0x0000
         to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:1)) 
           ================= list_transponders() =======================
           new_transponders(000): QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz 
I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:1)

-- eric

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