[SCM] vim-scripts packaging branch, master, updated. 94d6931b39bc216e79e1673187150bfec7383e86

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Wed Sep 2 03:33:59 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 0d9cac76fc6dd5f39acd6284af48f33fbe818358
Author: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 1 23:07:07 2009 -0400

    Update xmledit to 1.84

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4229254..849a2e7 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ vim-scripts (20090211-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Remove git-commit script.  Vim is shipped with more complete scripts.
     (Closes: #539380)
   * addons upgrades:
-    - supertab, DoxygenToolkit, NERD_commenter, Color Sampler Pack
+    - supertab, DoxygenToolkit, NERD_commenter, Color Sampler Pack, xmledit
   * Add disabledby-doxygentoolkit.diff patch, which enables the commented out
     plugin loaded check.
+  * Add xml-nodocs.diff patch, which disables xmledit's "automatic
+    documentation generation" functionality.  This doesn't make sense in a
+    Debian package and in fact breaks functionality.  (Closes: #536741)
  -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>  Mon, 31 Aug 2009 18:14:35 -0400
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index d775eb8..70ee990 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ closetag-sanity.diff
diff --git a/debian/patches/xml-nodocs.diff b/debian/patches/xml-nodocs.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41a4440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/xml-nodocs.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Remove automatic documentation generation since it won't work when using the
+# packaged xml.vim (either lack of permissions because it's installed
+# system-wide or lack of permissions because the user's doc file will simply
+# be a symlink to /usr/share)
+Index: vim-scripts/ftplugin/xml.vim
+--- vim-scripts.orig/ftplugin/xml.vim
++++ vim-scripts/ftplugin/xml.vim
+@@ -660,18 +660,6 @@
+ endfunction
+ " }}}2
+-let s:script_lines = readfile(expand("<sfile>"), "", 6)
+-let s:revision=
+-      \ substitute(s:script_lines[5], '^" Version:\s*\|\s*$', '', '')
+-"      \ substitute("$Revision: 83 $",'\$\S*: \([.0-9]\+\) \$','\1','')
+-silent! let s:install_status =
+-    \ s:XmlInstallDocumentation(expand('<sfile>:p'), s:revision)
+-if (s:install_status == 1)
+-    echom expand("<sfile>:t:r") . '-plugin v' . s:revision .
+-        \ ': Help-documentation installed.'
+ " Mappings and Settings.                                             {{{1
+ " This makes the '%' jump between the start and end of a single tag.
+ setlocal matchpairs+=<:>
diff --git a/debian/vim-scripts.status b/debian/vim-scripts.status
index b0fb40a..98095cc 100644
--- a/debian/vim-scripts.status
+++ b/debian/vim-scripts.status
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ email:       devin at tritarget.com
 license:     GNU GPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
 extras:      doc/xml-plugin.txt
 disabledby:  let loaded_xml_ftplugin = 1
-version:     78
+version:     1.84
 script_name: ftplugin/po.vim
 addon:       po
diff --git a/doc/xml-plugin.txt b/doc/xml-plugin.txt
index 82aa45b..31c22bc 100644
--- a/doc/xml-plugin.txt
+++ b/doc/xml-plugin.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*xml-plugin.txt*  Help edit XML and SGML documents.                   v78
+*xml-plugin.txt*  Help edit XML and SGML documents.                   v1.84
                                    XML Edit      ~
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Mappings      ~
 plugins to use. By default this is the backslash key `\'. See |mapleader|
 for details.
         Normal or Insert - Continue editing after the ending tag. This
         option requires xml_jump_string to be set to function. When a tag
         is completed it will append the xml_jump_string. Once this mapping
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ for details.
         of the curser and delete it leaving you in insert mode to continue
         Normal - Will clear the entire file of left over xml_jump_string garbage.
         * This will also happen automatically when you save the file. *
@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ xml_use_xhtml
             let xml_use_xhtml = 1
-        This turns of the support for HTML specific tags. Place this in your
+        This turns off the support for HTML specific tags. Place this in your
         .vimrc: >
             let xml_no_html = 1
-        This turns of the support for continuing edits after an ending tag.
+        This turns off the support for continuing edits after an ending tag.
         xml_jump_string can be any string how ever a simple character will
-        serfice. Pick a character or small string that is unique and will
+        suffice. Pick a character or small string that is unique and will
         not interfer with your normal editing. See the <LocalLeader>Space
         mapping for more.
         .vimrc: >
diff --git a/ftplugin/xml.vim b/ftplugin/xml.vim
index ce57593..267ac09 100644
--- a/ftplugin/xml.vim
+++ b/ftplugin/xml.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 " Vim script file                                           vim600:fdm=marker:
 " FileType:     XML
-" Author:       Devin Weaver <vim (at) tritarget.com> 
-" Maintainer:   Devin Weaver <vim (at) tritarget.com>
-" Last Change:  $Date: 2008-10-16 10:01:12 -0400 (Thu, 16 Oct 2008) $
-" Version:      $Revision: 78 $
+" Author:       Devin Weaver <suki (at) tritarget.com> 
+" Maintainer:   Devin Weaver <suki (at) tritarget.com>
+" Last Change:  Tue Apr 07 11:12:08 EDT 2009
+" Version:      1.84
 " Location:     http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=301
 " Licence:      This program is free software; you can redistribute it
 "               and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ endif
 if !exists("*s:NewFileXML")
 function s:NewFileXML( )
     " Where is g:did_xhtmlcf_inits defined?
-    if &filetype == 'xml' || (!exists ("g:did_xhtmlcf_inits") && exists ("g:xml_use_xhtml") && (&filetype == 'html' || &filetype == 'xhtml'))
+    if &filetype == 'docbk' || &filetype == 'xml' || (!exists ("g:did_xhtmlcf_inits") && exists ("g:xml_use_xhtml") && (&filetype == 'html' || &filetype == 'xhtml'))
         if append (0, '<?xml version="1.0"?>')
             normal! G
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ function s:InsertGt( )
   if (getline('.')[col('.') - 1] == '>')
     let char_syn=synIDattr(synID(line("."), col(".") - 1, 1), "name")
-  if -1 == match(char_syn, "xmlProcessing") && (0 == match(char_syn, 'html') || 0 == match(char_syn, 'xml'))
+  if -1 == match(char_syn, "xmlProcessing") && (0 == match(char_syn, 'html') || 0 == match(char_syn, 'xml') || 0 == match(char_syn, 'docbk'))
     call <SID>ParseTag()
     if col(".") == col("$") - 1
@@ -501,10 +501,17 @@ if !exists("*s:InitEditFromJump")
 function s:InitEditFromJump( )
     " Add a syntax highlight for the xml_jump_string.
     execute "syntax match Error /\\V" . g:xml_jump_string . "/"
-    " Remove left over garbage from xml_jump_string on file save.
-    augroup xml
-        execute "au BufWritePre <buffer> %s/" . g:xml_jump_string . "//ge"
-    augroup END
+" ClearJumpMarks -> Clean out extranious left over xml_jump_string garbage. {{{1
+if !exists("*s:ClearJumpMarks")
+function s:ClearJumpMarks( )
+    if exists("g:xml_jump_string")
+       if g:xml_jump_string != ""
+           execute ":%s/" . g:xml_jump_string . "//ge"
+       endif
+    endif
@@ -513,12 +520,14 @@ endif
 if !exists("*s:EditFromJump")
 function s:EditFromJump( )
     if exists("g:xml_jump_string")
-        let foo = search(g:xml_jump_string, 'csW') " Moves cursor by default
-        execute "normal! " . strlen(g:xml_jump_string) . "x"
-        if col(".") == col("$") - 1
-            startinsert!
-        else
-            startinsert
+        if g:xml_jump_string != ""
+            let foo = search(g:xml_jump_string, 'csW') " Moves cursor by default
+            execute "normal! " . strlen(g:xml_jump_string) . "x"
+            if col(".") == col("$") - 1
+                startinsert!
+            else
+                startinsert
+            endif
         echohl WarningMsg
@@ -651,8 +660,10 @@ function! s:XmlInstallDocumentation(full_name, revision)
 " }}}2
+let s:script_lines = readfile(expand("<sfile>"), "", 6)
 let s:revision=
-      \ substitute("$Revision: 78 $",'\$\S*: \([.0-9]\+\) \$','\1','')
+      \ substitute(s:script_lines[5], '^" Version:\s*\|\s*$', '', '')
+"      \ substitute("$Revision: 83 $",'\$\S*: \([.0-9]\+\) \$','\1','')
 silent! let s:install_status =
     \ s:XmlInstallDocumentation(expand('<sfile>:p'), s:revision)
 if (s:install_status == 1)
@@ -691,18 +702,18 @@ else
     execute "inoremap <buffer> " . g:xml_tag_completion_map . " <Esc>:call <SID>InsertGt()<Cr>"
-if exists("g:xml_jump_string")
-    nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader><Space> :call <SID>EditFromJump()<Cr>
-    inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader><Space> <Esc>:call <SID>EditFromJump()<Cr>
-    " Clear out all left over xml_jump_string garbage
-    execute "nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader><LocalLeader> :%s/" . g:xml_jump_string . "//ge<Cr>"
-    " The syntax files clear out any predefined syntax definitions. Recreate
-    " this when ever a xml_jump_string is created. (in ParseTag)
+nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader><Space> :call <SID>EditFromJump()<Cr>
+inoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader><Space> <Esc>:call <SID>EditFromJump()<Cr>
+" Clear out all left over xml_jump_string garbage
+nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>w :call <SID>ClearJumpMarks()<Cr>
+" The syntax files clear out any predefined syntax definitions. Recreate
+" this when ever a xml_jump_string is created. (in ParseTag)
 augroup xml
     au BufNewFile * call <SID>NewFileXML()
+    " Remove left over garbage from xml_jump_string on file save.
+    au BufWritePre <buffer> call <SID>ClearJumpMarks()
 augroup END
@@ -763,7 +774,7 @@ Mappings {{{2 ~
 plugins to use. By default this is the backslash key `\'. See |mapleader|
 for details.
         Normal or Insert - Continue editing after the ending tag. This
         option requires xml_jump_string to be set to function. When a tag
         is completed it will append the xml_jump_string. Once this mapping
@@ -771,7 +782,7 @@ for details.
         of the curser and delete it leaving you in insert mode to continue
         Normal - Will clear the entire file of left over xml_jump_string garbage.
         * This will also happen automatically when you save the file. *
@@ -827,14 +838,14 @@ xml_use_xhtml
             let xml_use_xhtml = 1
-        This turns of the support for HTML specific tags. Place this in your
+        This turns off the support for HTML specific tags. Place this in your
         .vimrc: >
             let xml_no_html = 1
-        This turns of the support for continuing edits after an ending tag.
+        This turns off the support for continuing edits after an ending tag.
         xml_jump_string can be any string how ever a simple character will
-        serfice. Pick a character or small string that is unique and will
+        suffice. Pick a character or small string that is unique and will
         not interfer with your normal editing. See the <LocalLeader>Space
         mapping for more.
         .vimrc: >
diff --git a/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html b/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html
index 1ba5bc7..bd17dbe 100644
--- a/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html
+++ b/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html
@@ -46,6 +46,19 @@
         <td><small>not logged in (<a href="/login.php">login</a>)</small></td>
+    <tr><td>
+<form action="http://www.google.com/cse" id="cse-search-box">
+  <div>
+    <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-3005259998294962:bvyni59kjr1" />
+    <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1" />
+    <input type="text" name="q" size="20" />
+    <br>
+    <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
+  </div>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=cse-search-box&amp;lang=en"></script>
+    </td></tr>
         <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"></td>
@@ -59,7 +72,7 @@
             <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/index.php">Home</a></td>
-            <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/search.php">Search</a></td>
+            <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/search.php">Advanced search</a></td>
         <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="7"></td>
@@ -153,8 +166,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>1055/393</b>,
-    Downloaded by 20108  </td>
+    Rating <b>1175/450</b>,
+    Downloaded by 23516  </td>
@@ -167,7 +180,7 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>This script provides some convenience when editing XML (and some SGML including
<br>HTML) formated documents. It allows you to jump to the beginning or end of the
<br>tag block your cursor is in. '%' will jump between '&lt;' and '&gt;' within the tag
<br>your cursor is in. When in insert mode and you finish a tag (pressing '&gt;') the
<br>tag will be completed. If you press '&gt;' twice it will complete the tag and
<br>place the cursor in the middle of the tags on it's own line.
<br>For the latest development snapshot visit
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://svn.tritarget.org/xmledit/trunk/">http://svn.tritarget.org/xmledit/trunk/</A></td></tr>
+<tr><td>This script provides some convenience when editing XML (and some SGML including
<br>HTML) formated documents. It allows you to jump to the beginning or end of the
<br>tag block your cursor is in. '%' will jump between '&lt;' and '&gt;' within the tag
<br>your cursor is in. When in insert mode and you finish a tag (pressing '&gt;') the
<br>tag will be completed. If you press '&gt;' twice it will complete the tag and
<br>place the cursor in the middle of the tags on it's own line.
<br>For the latest development snapshot visit
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://github.com/sukima/xmledit/tree/master/">http://github.com/sukima/xmledit/tree/master/</A></td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
 <tr><td>This new version has the documentation coupled with the script. You only need one file xml.vim.
<br>Place this file in your ftplugin directory (i.e. '~/.vim/ftplugin/xml.vim) Type :help ftplugins for more information on installation.
<br>The documentation will install automatically the first time the plugin is ran. *NOTE* the first time the plugin is ran is NOT the first time VIM is ran. Because this is a file plugin you have to open an XML document to execute the script. So open a new test.xml file at first.
<br>The html.vim script that came with the old tarball is now in the documentation as an example. to use it just copy/paste it into the file html.vim. See :help xml-plugin-html after the documentation installs.
<br>ChangeLog and older versions availiable on request.</td></tr>
@@ -204,28 +217,36 @@ Click on the package to download.
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=9358">xml.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>78</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-10-16</i></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=10362">xml.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.84</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2009-04-07</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=667">Devin Weaver</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added functions to jump to the end of a tag and continue editing using a custom match string. Fixed compatibility bug with omni completion. Fixed several bugs concerning xml processing tags, php, and annoying beeps everywhere.</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Latest development build after move to Git repository. No new features.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8245">xml.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>65</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-02-08</i></td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=9921">xml.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>82</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2009-02-06</i></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=667">Devin Weaver</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Several bug fixes and latest development snap shot.</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Add a special jump tag used to allow the cursor to move from inside a tag to outside and continue typing. See xml_jump_string in the documentation for details.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4280">xml.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.29</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-05-14</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8245">xml.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>65</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-02-08</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=667">Devin Weaver</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed some documentation. Added &lt;a&gt; tag to html example.
<br>Added Visual select tag mapping. Cosmetics</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Several bug fixes and latest development snap shot.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4280">xml.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.29</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-05-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=667">Devin Weaver</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed some documentation. Added &lt;a&gt; tag to html example.
<br>Added Visual select tag mapping. Cosmetics</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -272,7 +293,7 @@ Click on the package to download.
     <td align="right" valign="top">
-      		<a href="http://sourceforge.net" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8&type=1" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>
+      		<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/vim" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8&type=1" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>
     <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt=""></td>
diff --git a/html/index.html b/html/index.html
index 65a55a0..d62c313 100644
--- a/html/index.html
+++ b/html/index.html
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    <li><a href="syntax_mkd.vim.html">syntax/mkd.vim.html</a></li>
-  Page generated on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:41:56 -0400
+  Page generated on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:56:00 -0400

vim-scripts packaging

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