[Pkg-virtualbox-commits] r156 - in trunk/debian: . virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files virtualbox-ose-source.files virtualbox-ose.files

meskes at alioth.debian.org meskes at alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 20 09:04:39 UTC 2007

Author: meskes
Date: 2007-12-20 09:04:39 +0000 (Thu, 20 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 156

Rearranged parts of the debian dir.

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 virtualbox-ose (1.5.2-dfsg2-7) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   [ Patrick Winnertz ]
-  * Do only recommends the virtualbox-ose-modules package. Maybe someone
+  * Do only recommend the virtualbox-ose-modules package. Maybe someone
     would like to compile it on it's own, or not with m-a. (Closes: #456989)
   [ Hilko Bengen ]
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
   [ Michael Meskes ]
   * Only suggest guest-sources in guest-utils. With l-m-e expected to include
     the guest-modules in the near future, this should be sufficient.
+  * Rearranged parts of the debian dir.
- -- Hilko Bengen <bengen at debian.org>  Wed, 19 Dec 2007 20:00:35 +0100
+ -- Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>  Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:55:48 +0100
 virtualbox-ose (1.5.2-dfsg2-6) unstable; urgency=low

Deleted: trunk/debian/interfaces
--- trunk/debian/interfaces	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/interfaces	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Linux static host networking interface configuration
-# <interface> <user> <bridge>
-# vbox0 guest br0

Modified: trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/debian/rules	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/rules	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -75,26 +75,9 @@
 	dh_clean -k
-	# Installing virtualbox
-	install -m 755 debian/scripts/VBox.sh debian/$(sname)/usr/lib/virtualbox
 	# This will get installed into the package by dh_installinit
 	install -m 644 src/VBox/Installer/linux/vboxnet.sh debian/$(sname).init
-	# Install virtualbox-ose-source
-	cp debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/compat debian/$(psource)/usr/src/modules/$(sname)/debian
-	cp debian/$(psource).control.modules.in debian/$(psource)/usr/src/modules/$(sname)/debian/control.modules.in
-	cp debian/$(psource).postinst.modules.in debian/$(psource)/usr/src/modules/$(sname)/debian/postinst.modules.in
-	install -m 755 debian/$(psource).rules debian/$(psource)/usr/src/modules/$(sname)/debian/rules
-	# Install virtualbox-ose-guest-source
-	cp debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/compat debian/$(gsource)/usr/src/modules/$(gname)/debian
-	cp debian/$(gsource).control.modules.in debian/$(gsource)/usr/src/modules/$(gname)/debian/control.modules.in
-	cp debian/$(gsource).postinst.modules.in debian/$(gsource)/usr/src/modules/$(gname)/debian/postinst.modules.in
-	cp debian/$(gsource).udev debian/$(gsource)/usr/src/modules/$(gname)/debian/udev
-	cp debian/$(gsource).Makefile debian/$(gsource)/usr/src/modules/$(gname)/Makefile
-	install -m 755 debian/$(gsource).rules  debian/$(gsource)/usr/src/modules/$(gname)/debian/rules
 	# Install virtualbox guest additions
 	install -m 644 out/bin/additions/vboxvideo_drv_14.so debian/$(uname)/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/vboxvideo_drv.so
 	install -m 644 out/bin/additions/vboxmouse_drv_14.so debian/$(uname)/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/vboxmouse_drv.so

Deleted: trunk/debian/vbox.cfg
--- trunk/debian/vbox.cfg	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/vbox.cfg	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# VirtualBox installation directory

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.Makefile
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.Makefile	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.Makefile	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-obj-m = vboxadd/ vboxvfs/

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.control.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.control.modules.in	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.control.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Source: virtualbox-ose
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Debian Virtualbox Team <pkg-virtualbox-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Philipp Hug <debian at hug.cx>, Marvin Stark <marv at der-marv.de>, Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>, Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org>, Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, kbuild
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Homepage: http://www.virtualbox.org/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
-Package: virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-_KVERS_
-Architecture: i386
-Depends: linux-modules-_KVERS_ | linux-image-_KVERS_
-Provides: virtualbox-ose-guest-modules
-Description: VirtualBox guest addition modules for Linux (kernel _KVERS_)
- This package contains the set of loadable kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions.
- .
- This package contains the compiled kernel modules for _KVERS_
- .
- If you have compiled your own kernel, you will most likely need to build
- your own virtualbox-ose-guest-modules. The virtualbox-ose-guest-source package has been
- provided for use with the Debian's module-assistant or kernel-package
- utilities to produce a version of virtualbox-ose-guest-modules for your kernel.

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/Makefile
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/Makefile	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+obj-m = vboxadd/ vboxvfs/

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/control.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/control.modules.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/control.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Source: virtualbox-ose
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Virtualbox Team <pkg-virtualbox-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Philipp Hug <debian at hug.cx>, Marvin Stark <marv at der-marv.de>, Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>, Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org>, Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, kbuild
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Homepage: http://www.virtualbox.org/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
+Package: virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-_KVERS_
+Architecture: i386
+Depends: linux-modules-_KVERS_ | linux-image-_KVERS_
+Provides: virtualbox-ose-guest-modules
+Description: VirtualBox guest addition modules for Linux (kernel _KVERS_)
+ This package contains the set of loadable kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions.
+ .
+ This package contains the compiled kernel modules for _KVERS_
+ .
+ If you have compiled your own kernel, you will most likely need to build
+ your own virtualbox-ose-guest-modules. The virtualbox-ose-guest-source package has been
+ provided for use with the Debian's module-assistant or kernel-package
+ utilities to produce a version of virtualbox-ose-guest-modules for your kernel.

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/postinst.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/postinst.modules.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/postinst.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+set -e
+case "${1}" in
+	configure)
+		if [ -x /etc/init.d/udev ]; then
+			if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
+				invoke-rc.d udev reload || /bin/true
+			else
+				/etc/init.d/udev reload || /bin/true
+			fi
+		fi
+		;;
+	abort-upgrade|abort-deconfigure|abort-remove)
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "${0} called with unknown argument \`${1}'" 1>&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/rules
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/rules	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/rules	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
+# The short upstream name, used for the module source directory
+### Setup the stuff needed for making kernel module packages
+### taken from /usr/share/kernel-package/sample.module.rules
+# prefix of the target package name
+# modifieable for experiments or debugging m-a
+MA_DIR ?= /usr/share/modass
+# load generic variable handling
+-include $(MA_DIR)/include/generic.make
+# load default rules, including kdist, kdist_image, ...
+-include $(MA_DIR)/include/common-rules.make
+# module assistant calculates all needed things for us and sets
+# following variables:
+# KSRC (kernel source directory), KVERS (kernel version string), KDREV
+# (revision of the Debian kernel-image package), CC (the correct
+# compiler), VERSION (the final package version string), PKGNAME (full
+# package name with KVERS included), DEB_DESTDIR (path to store DEBs)
+# The kdist_configure target is called by make-kpkg modules_config and
+# by kdist* rules by dependency. It should configure the module so it is
+# ready for compilation (mostly useful for calling configure).
+# prep-deb-files from module-assistant creates the neccessary debian/ files
+kdist_configure: prep-deb-files
+# the kdist_clean target is called by make-kpkg modules_clean and from
+# kdist* rules. It is responsible for cleaning up any changes that have
+# been made by the other kdist_commands (except for the .deb files created)
+kdist_clean: clean
+	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f debian/rules clean
+### end  KERNEL SETUP
+	(cd vboxadd; $(MAKE) clean)
+	(cd vboxvfs; $(MAKE) clean)
+	dh_clean
+binary-modules: prep-deb-files
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k
+	# Build the modules
+	(cd vboxadd; $(MAKE) all KSRC=$(KSRC) KVER=$(KVERS) KERN_DIR=$(KSRC))
+	(cd vboxvfs; $(MAKE) all KSRC=$(KSRC) KVER=$(KVERS) KERN_DIR=$(KSRC))
+	# Install the modules
+	dh_install vboxadd/vboxadd.ko /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/misc/
+	dh_install vboxvfs/vboxvfs.ko /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/misc/
+	dh_installdocs
+	dh_installchangelogs
+	dh_installudev
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_installmodules
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_gencontrol -- -v$(VERSION)
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb --destdir=$(DEB_DESTDIR)
+	dh_clean -k
+.PHONY: build clean binary-arch binary-indep binary install binary-modules kdist kdist_configure kdist_image kdist_clean

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/udev
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/udev	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/udev	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+KERNEL=="vboxadd", NAME="vboxadd", OWNER="root", MODE="0666"

Modified: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.install
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.install	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.install	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
 out/bin/additions/src/vboxadd /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest
 out/bin/additions/src/vboxvfs /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest
+debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/compat /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest/debian
+debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/Makefile /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest
+debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/control.modules.in /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest/debian
+debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/postinst.modules.in /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest/debian
+debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/rules /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest/debian
+debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.files/udev /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose-guest/debian

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.postinst.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.postinst.modules.in	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.postinst.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "${1}" in
-	configure)
-		if [ -x /etc/init.d/udev ]; then
-			if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
-				invoke-rc.d udev reload || /bin/true
-			else
-				/etc/init.d/udev reload || /bin/true
-			fi
-		fi
-		;;
-	abort-upgrade|abort-deconfigure|abort-remove)
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo "${0} called with unknown argument \`${1}'" 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-exit 0

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.rules
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.rules	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.rules	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
-# The short upstream name, used for the module source directory
-### Setup the stuff needed for making kernel module packages
-### taken from /usr/share/kernel-package/sample.module.rules
-# prefix of the target package name
-# modifieable for experiments or debugging m-a
-MA_DIR ?= /usr/share/modass
-# load generic variable handling
--include $(MA_DIR)/include/generic.make
-# load default rules, including kdist, kdist_image, ...
--include $(MA_DIR)/include/common-rules.make
-# module assistant calculates all needed things for us and sets
-# following variables:
-# KSRC (kernel source directory), KVERS (kernel version string), KDREV
-# (revision of the Debian kernel-image package), CC (the correct
-# compiler), VERSION (the final package version string), PKGNAME (full
-# package name with KVERS included), DEB_DESTDIR (path to store DEBs)
-# The kdist_configure target is called by make-kpkg modules_config and
-# by kdist* rules by dependency. It should configure the module so it is
-# ready for compilation (mostly useful for calling configure).
-# prep-deb-files from module-assistant creates the neccessary debian/ files
-kdist_configure: prep-deb-files
-# the kdist_clean target is called by make-kpkg modules_clean and from
-# kdist* rules. It is responsible for cleaning up any changes that have
-# been made by the other kdist_commands (except for the .deb files created)
-kdist_clean: clean
-	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f debian/rules clean
-### end  KERNEL SETUP
-	(cd vboxadd; $(MAKE) clean)
-	(cd vboxvfs; $(MAKE) clean)
-	dh_clean
-binary-modules: prep-deb-files
-	dh_testroot
-	dh_clean -k
-	# Build the modules
-	(cd vboxadd; $(MAKE) all KSRC=$(KSRC) KVER=$(KVERS) KERN_DIR=$(KSRC))
-	(cd vboxvfs; $(MAKE) all KSRC=$(KSRC) KVER=$(KVERS) KERN_DIR=$(KSRC))
-	# Install the modules
-	dh_install vboxadd/vboxadd.ko /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/misc/
-	dh_install vboxvfs/vboxvfs.ko /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/misc/
-	dh_installdocs
-	dh_installchangelogs
-	dh_installudev
-	dh_compress
-	dh_fixperms
-	dh_installmodules
-	dh_installdeb
-	dh_gencontrol -- -v$(VERSION)
-	dh_md5sums
-	dh_builddeb --destdir=$(DEB_DESTDIR)
-	dh_clean -k
-.PHONY: build clean binary-arch binary-indep binary install binary-modules kdist kdist_configure kdist_image kdist_clean

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.udev
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.udev	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-guest-source.udev	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-KERNEL=="vboxadd", NAME="vboxadd", OWNER="root", MODE="0666"

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.control.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.control.modules.in	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.control.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Source: virtualbox-ose
-Section: misc
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Debian Virtualbox Team <pkg-virtualbox-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Philipp Hug <debian at hug.cx>, Marvin Stark <marv at der-marv.de>, Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>, Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org>, Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, kbuild
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Homepage: http://www.virtualbox.org/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
-Package: virtualbox-ose-modules-_KVERS_
-Architecture: amd64 i386
-Depends: linux-modules-_KVERS_ | linux-image-_KVERS_
-Recommends: virtualbox-ose
-Provides: virtualbox-ose-modules
-Description: VirtualBox modules for Linux (kernel _KVERS_)
- This package contains the set of loadable kernel modules for VirtualBox.
- .
- This package contains the compiled kernel modules for _KVERS_
- .
- If you have compiled your own kernel, you will most likely need to build
- your own virtualbox-ose-modules. The virtualbox-ose-source package has been
- provided for use with the Debian's module-assistant or kernel-package
- utilities to produce a version of virtualbox-ose-modules for your kernel.

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/control.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/control.modules.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/control.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Source: virtualbox-ose
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Virtualbox Team <pkg-virtualbox-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Philipp Hug <debian at hug.cx>, Marvin Stark <marv at der-marv.de>, Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>, Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org>, Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, kbuild
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Homepage: http://www.virtualbox.org/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-virtualbox/trunk
+Package: virtualbox-ose-modules-_KVERS_
+Architecture: amd64 i386
+Depends: linux-modules-_KVERS_ | linux-image-_KVERS_
+Recommends: virtualbox-ose
+Provides: virtualbox-ose-modules
+Description: VirtualBox modules for Linux (kernel _KVERS_)
+ This package contains the set of loadable kernel modules for VirtualBox.
+ .
+ This package contains the compiled kernel modules for _KVERS_
+ .
+ If you have compiled your own kernel, you will most likely need to build
+ your own virtualbox-ose-modules. The virtualbox-ose-source package has been
+ provided for use with the Debian's module-assistant or kernel-package
+ utilities to produce a version of virtualbox-ose-modules for your kernel.

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/postinst.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/postinst.modules.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/postinst.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+set -e
+case "${1}" in
+	configure)
+		if [ -x /etc/init.d/udev ]; then
+			if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
+				invoke-rc.d udev reload || /bin/true
+			else
+				/etc/init.d/udev reload || /bin/true
+			fi
+		fi
+		;;
+	abort-upgrade|abort-deconfigure|abort-remove)
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "${0} called with unknown argument \`${1}'" 1>&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/rules
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/rules	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/rules	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
+# some default definitions, important!
+# Name of the source package
+# The short upstream name, used for the module source directory
+### Setup the stuff needed for making kernel module packages
+### taken from /usr/share/kernel-package/sample.module.rules
+# prefix of the target package name
+# modifieable for experiments or debugging m-a
+MA_DIR ?= /usr/share/modass
+# load generic variable handling
+-include $(MA_DIR)/include/generic.make
+# load default rules, including kdist, kdist_image, ...
+-include $(MA_DIR)/include/common-rules.make
+# module assistant calculates all needed things for us and sets
+# following variables:
+# KSRC (kernel source directory), KVERS (kernel version string), KDREV
+# (revision of the Debian kernel-image package), CC (the correct
+# compiler), VERSION (the final package version string), PKGNAME (full
+# package name with KVERS included), DEB_DESTDIR (path to store DEBs)
+# The kdist_configure target is called by make-kpkg modules_config and
+# by kdist* rules by dependency. It should configure the module so it is
+# ready for compilation (mostly useful for calling configure).
+# prep-deb-files from module-assistant creates the neccessary debian/ files
+kdist_configure: prep-deb-files
+# the kdist_clean target is called by make-kpkg modules_clean and from
+# kdist* rules. It is responsible for cleaning up any changes that have
+# been made by the other kdist_commands (except for the .deb files created)
+kdist_clean: clean
+	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f debian/rules clean
+### end  KERNEL SETUP
+binary-modules: prep-deb-files
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k
+	# Build the module
+	# Install the module
+	dh_install vboxdrv.ko /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/misc/
+	dh_installdocs
+	dh_installchangelogs
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_installmodules
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_gencontrol -- -v$(VERSION)
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb --destdir=$(DEB_DESTDIR)
+	dh_clean -k
+.PHONY: build clean binary-arch binary-indep binary install binary-modules kdist kdist_configure kdist_image kdist_clean

Modified: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.install
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.install	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.install	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
 out/bin/src/* /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose
+debian/control debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/compat /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose/debian
+debian/virtualbox-ose-source.files/* /usr/src/modules/virtualbox-ose/debian

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.postinst.modules.in
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.postinst.modules.in	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.postinst.modules.in	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "${1}" in
-	configure)
-		if [ -x /etc/init.d/udev ]; then
-			if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
-				invoke-rc.d udev reload || /bin/true
-			else
-				/etc/init.d/udev reload || /bin/true
-			fi
-		fi
-		;;
-	abort-upgrade|abort-deconfigure|abort-remove)
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo "${0} called with unknown argument \`${1}'" 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-exit 0

Deleted: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.rules
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.rules	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose-source.rules	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
-# some default definitions, important!
-# Name of the source package
-# The short upstream name, used for the module source directory
-### Setup the stuff needed for making kernel module packages
-### taken from /usr/share/kernel-package/sample.module.rules
-# prefix of the target package name
-# modifieable for experiments or debugging m-a
-MA_DIR ?= /usr/share/modass
-# load generic variable handling
--include $(MA_DIR)/include/generic.make
-# load default rules, including kdist, kdist_image, ...
--include $(MA_DIR)/include/common-rules.make
-# module assistant calculates all needed things for us and sets
-# following variables:
-# KSRC (kernel source directory), KVERS (kernel version string), KDREV
-# (revision of the Debian kernel-image package), CC (the correct
-# compiler), VERSION (the final package version string), PKGNAME (full
-# package name with KVERS included), DEB_DESTDIR (path to store DEBs)
-# The kdist_configure target is called by make-kpkg modules_config and
-# by kdist* rules by dependency. It should configure the module so it is
-# ready for compilation (mostly useful for calling configure).
-# prep-deb-files from module-assistant creates the neccessary debian/ files
-kdist_configure: prep-deb-files
-# the kdist_clean target is called by make-kpkg modules_clean and from
-# kdist* rules. It is responsible for cleaning up any changes that have
-# been made by the other kdist_commands (except for the .deb files created)
-kdist_clean: clean
-	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f debian/rules clean
-### end  KERNEL SETUP
-binary-modules: prep-deb-files
-	dh_testroot
-	dh_clean -k
-	# Build the module
-	# Install the module
-	dh_install vboxdrv.ko /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/misc/
-	dh_installdocs
-	dh_installchangelogs
-	dh_compress
-	dh_fixperms
-	dh_installmodules
-	dh_installdeb
-	dh_gencontrol -- -v$(VERSION)
-	dh_md5sums
-	dh_builddeb --destdir=$(DEB_DESTDIR)
-	dh_clean -k
-.PHONY: build clean binary-arch binary-indep binary install binary-modules kdist kdist_configure kdist_image kdist_clean

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/VBox.sh
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/VBox.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/VBox.sh	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# written by Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org> and
+# Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>
+# and placed under GPLv2
+# this is based on a script by
+# InnoTek VirtualBox
+# Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
+# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
+# available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
+# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+# in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
+# distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
+# be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
+if [ "$VBOX_USER_HOME" = "" ]; then
+    if [ ! -d "$HOME/.VirtualBox" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$HOME/.VirtualBox"
+    fi
+    LOG="$HOME/.VirtualBox/VBoxSVC.log"
+    if [ ! -d "$VBOX_USER_HOME" ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$VBOX_USER_HOME"
+    fi
+if [ ! -r "$CONFIG" ]; then
+    echo "Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall."
+    exit 1
+# Note: This script must not fail if the module was not successfully installed
+#       because the user might not want to run a VM but only change VM params!
+if [ ! -c /dev/vboxdrv ]; then
+    cat << EOF
+WARNING: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.
+	 Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel.
+	 You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.
+elif [ ! -w /dev/vboxdrv ]; then
+    if [ "`id | grep vboxusers`" = "" ]; then
+        cat << EOF
+WARNING: You are not a member of the "vboxusers" group.  Please add yourself
+         to this group before starting VirtualBox.
+	 You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.
+    else
+        cat << EOF
+WARNING: /dev/vboxdrv not writable for some reason. If you recently added the
+         current user to the vboxusers group then you have to logout and
+	 re-login to take the change effect.
+	 You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.
+    fi
+APP=`which $0`
+case "$APP" in
+  VirtualBox|virtualbox)
+    exec "$INSTALL_DIR/VirtualBox" "$@"
+  ;;
+  VBoxManage|vboxmanage)
+    exec "$INSTALL_DIR/VBoxManage" "$@"
+  ;;
+  VBoxSDL|vboxsdl)
+    exec "$INSTALL_DIR/VBoxSDL" "$@"
+  ;;
+  vditool)
+    exec "$INSTALL_DIR/vditool" "$@"
+  ;;
+  *)
+    echo "Unknown application - $APP"
+  ;;

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/interfaces
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/interfaces	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/interfaces	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Linux static host networking interface configuration
+# <interface> <user> <bridge>
+# vbox0 guest br0

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/vbox.cfg
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/vbox.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/vbox.cfg	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# VirtualBox installation directory

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.desktop
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.desktop	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.desktop	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=VirtualBox OSE
+GenericName=PC virtualization solution
+Comment=Run several virtual systems on a single host computer

Added: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.xpm
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.xpm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.xpm	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * virtualbox_ose_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 816 2",
+"  	c None",
+". 	c #A1C5D2",
+"+ 	c #A0C6D3",
+"@ 	c #A1C9D6",
+"# 	c #9DC6D5",
+"$ 	c #99C4D4",
+"% 	c #93C0D2",
+"& 	c #92C2D4",
+"* 	c #8DBED1",
+"= 	c #89BBD0",
+"- 	c #83B7CD",
+"; 	c #7DB4CA",
+"> 	c #77B0C8",
+", 	c #6AA6BF",
+"' 	c #63A2BD",
+") 	c #5C9DB9",
+"! 	c #599CB9",
+"~ 	c #4F97B5",
+"{ 	c #4792B0",
+"] 	c #3B8AA9",
+"^ 	c #3688A9",
+"/ 	c #2983A5",
+"( 	c #1D7DA0",
+"_ 	c #0F789D",
+": 	c #04759B",
+"< 	c #006D94",
+"[ 	c #006A92",
+"} 	c #006690",
+"| 	c #006490",
+"1 	c #00608E",
+"2 	c #005A89",
+"3 	c #005687",
+"4 	c #005485",
+"5 	c #9FC5D2",
+"6 	c #FEFEFE",
+"7 	c #FDFEFE",
+"8 	c #F6FEFE",
+"9 	c #F0FEFE",
+"0 	c #EBFEFE",
+"a 	c #EAFEFE",
+"b 	c #E6FEFE",
+"c 	c #DDFEFE",
+"d 	c #D5FEFE",
+"e 	c #D3FEFE",
+"f 	c #CEFEFE",
+"g 	c #C6FAFE",
+"h 	c #C1F6FE",
+"i 	c #BDF3FE",
+"j 	c #B6EFFE",
+"k 	c #AFE8FE",
+"l 	c #AAE5FE",
+"m 	c #A8E3FE",
+"n 	c #A4E1FE",
+"o 	c #9EDDFE",
+"p 	c #99D9FC",
+"q 	c #005284",
+"r 	c #9CC4D1",
+"s 	c #D9FEFE",
+"t 	c #B8E5F7",
+"u 	c #B7E6F8",
+"v 	c #B2E3F6",
+"w 	c #B2E4F9",
+"x 	c #AFE3F9",
+"y 	c #A5DCF2",
+"z 	c #9FD8F0",
+"A 	c #96D2EB",
+"B 	c #8FCEE9",
+"C 	c #86C6E2",
+"D 	c #79BCD9",
+"E 	c #70B6D4",
+"F 	c #69B2D0",
+"G 	c #62AECD",
+"H 	c #5BA9C9",
+"I 	c #54A5C5",
+"J 	c #479FC1",
+"K 	c #3C9ABD",
+"L 	c #3195B9",
+"M 	c #2890B5",
+"N 	c #218BB1",
+"O 	c #1983AC",
+"P 	c #1881AB",
+"Q 	c #177CAA",
+"R 	c #177AA9",
+"S 	c #1678A8",
+"T 	c #5097C1",
+"U 	c #95D6FB",
+"V 	c #005084",
+"W 	c #97C0CF",
+"X 	c #B5E2F4",
+"Y 	c #BAE9FB",
+"Z 	c #BBECFE",
+"` 	c #B8EAFE",
+" .	c #B1E5FB",
+"..	c #AEE5FB",
+"+.	c #A4DDF5",
+"@.	c #9DD9F2",
+"#.	c #92D1EC",
+"$.	c #88C9E5",
+"%.	c #82C4E1",
+"&.	c #7ABEDC",
+"*.	c #6AB4D3",
+"=.	c #63B0CF",
+"-.	c #58AACA",
+";.	c #50A5C6",
+">.	c #48A1C3",
+",.	c #409DC0",
+"'.	c #3598BC",
+").	c #238FB5",
+"!.	c #218EB5",
+"~.	c #1F8AB3",
+"{.	c #1981AD",
+"].	c #167BA9",
+"^.	c #1276A4",
+"/.	c #1274A4",
+"(.	c #1676A7",
+"_.	c #1472A4",
+":.	c #92D5FB",
+"<.	c #004D82",
+"[.	c #8FBACA",
+"}.	c #B2E1F3",
+"|.	c #B6E7FA",
+"1.	c #FFFFFF",
+"2.	c #F8FEFE",
+"3.	c #C9FDFE",
+"4.	c #E5FEFE",
+"5.	c #DFFEFE",
+"6.	c #D2FEFE",
+"7.	c #CCFEFE",
+"8.	c #A6E2FE",
+"9.	c #BFF7FE",
+"0.	c #BBF4FF",
+"a.	c #B5F0FE",
+"b.	c #B1ECFE",
+"c.	c #A9E6FE",
+"d.	c #A2E1FE",
+"e.	c #8DCDF2",
+"f.	c #1573A5",
+"g.	c #136EA2",
+"h.	c #8DD2F8",
+"i.	c #00497F",
+"j.	c #8CB9CB",
+"k.	c #AEDFF2",
+"l.	c #B4E6FB",
+"m.	c #FEFEFF",
+"n.	c #FCFEFE",
+"o.	c #EFFEFE",
+"p.	c #96D5F2",
+"q.	c #DCFEFE",
+"r.	c #D0FEFE",
+"s.	c #CBFEFE",
+"t.	c #6CB2D5",
+"u.	c #BCF5FE",
+"v.	c #B7F2FE",
+"w.	c #B2EDFE",
+"x.	c #ADEAFE",
+"y.	c #A5E4FE",
+"z.	c #A0E0FE",
+"A.	c #9BDDFE",
+"B.	c #146FA3",
+"C.	c #126BA0",
+"D.	c #8BD1F7",
+"E.	c #00467F",
+"F.	c #89B9CB",
+"G.	c #AEE0F5",
+"H.	c #ADE1F7",
+"I.	c #F7FEFE",
+"J.	c #61B0D1",
+"K.	c #C8FDFE",
+"L.	c #DAFEFE",
+"M.	c #CDFEFE",
+"N.	c #C7FDFE",
+"O.	c #B4EEFE",
+"P.	c #4396BC",
+"Q.	c #A9E5FE",
+"R.	c #B4EFFE",
+"S.	c #AEEBFE",
+"T.	c #A7E6FE",
+"U.	c #A3E3FE",
+"V.	c #9CDEFE",
+"W.	c #97DAFD",
+"X.	c #136CA1",
+"Y.	c #12699F",
+"Z.	c #86CCF5",
+"`.	c #00417C",
+" +	c #86B7CA",
+".+	c #A8DCF2",
+"++	c #A6DDF3",
+"@+	c #FBFEFE",
+"#+	c #45A6C9",
+"$+	c #7EC7E8",
+"%+	c #C2FBFE",
+"&+	c #99D6F8",
+"*+	c #1F80AB",
+"=+	c #6BAFD6",
+"-+	c #AEECFE",
+";+	c #A8E7FE",
+">+	c #A4E4FE",
+",+	c #96D9FD",
+"'+	c #93D8FC",
+")+	c #10679D",
+"!+	c #0D619A",
+"~+	c #80C9F2",
+"{+	c #003C78",
+"]+	c #81B3C8",
+"^+	c #9FD6EC",
+"/+	c #9ED7EF",
+"(+	c #FEFFFF",
+"_+	c #FDFFFF",
+":+	c #F3FEFF",
+"<+	c #6EBFE0",
+"[+	c #54ABCF",
+"}+	c #4AA5C8",
+"|+	c #C5FDFE",
+"1+	c #BFF8FE",
+"2+	c #79BDE2",
+"3+	c #197EAC",
+"4+	c #4492BB",
+"5+	c #9FDEFE",
+"6+	c #A5E5FE",
+"7+	c #9EE0FE",
+"8+	c #98DBFD",
+"9+	c #8ED4FA",
+"0+	c #0E629B",
+"a+	c #095995",
+"b+	c #7AC5EF",
+"c+	c #003774",
+"d+	c #78ACC2",
+"e+	c #94CDE5",
+"f+	c #92CEE7",
+"g+	c #F9FEFE",
+"h+	c #F2FEFE",
+"i+	c #43A9CE",
+"j+	c #7CC7E9",
+"k+	c #2796BD",
+"l+	c #BAF4FE",
+"m+	c #AEE9FE",
+"n+	c #3991BD",
+"o+	c #56A0CC",
+"p+	c #277EAB",
+"q+	c #92D1F6",
+"r+	c #A1E3FE",
+"s+	c #9ADDFD",
+"t+	c #95DAFD",
+"u+	c #90D6FB",
+"v+	c #88CFF7",
+"w+	c #0C5C98",
+"x+	c #0A5995",
+"y+	c #76C2ED",
+"z+	c #003171",
+"A+	c #6CA3B9",
+"B+	c #8AC6DF",
+"C+	c #87C6E1",
+"D+	c #F5FEFE",
+"E+	c #ECFEFE",
+"F+	c #B3F0FE",
+"G+	c #31A2C8",
+"H+	c #9BDFFD",
+"I+	c #2795BC",
+"J+	c #7DC0E3",
+"K+	c #BBF6FE",
+"L+	c #88C9EE",
+"M+	c #2487B6",
+"N+	c #98D8FD",
+"O+	c #1272A3",
+"P+	c #599CC6",
+"Q+	c #97DCFD",
+"R+	c #91D7FB",
+"S+	c #89D0F8",
+"T+	c #82CBF4",
+"U+	c #0B5A96",
+"V+	c #0C5996",
+"W+	c #74C1ED",
+"X+	c #00296B",
+"Y+	c #649DB5",
+"Z+	c #82C1DC",
+"`+	c #82C3DF",
+" @	c #F4FEFE",
+".@	c #EDFFFF",
+"+@	c #E3FEFE",
+"@@	c #70C0E2",
+"#@	c #2C9BC2",
+"$@	c #C1FCFE",
+"%@	c #2690BA",
+"&@	c #5CA5CC",
+"*@	c #B8F3FE",
+"=@	c #4A97C1",
+"-@	c #2082B2",
+";@	c #9CDCFE",
+">@	c #2978A9",
+",@	c #2D79A9",
+"'@	c #8DD1F7",
+")@	c #91D7FC",
+"!@	c #7DC8F2",
+"~@	c #0B5895",
+"{@	c #0B5595",
+"]@	c #6DBDEA",
+"^@	c #002266",
+"/@	c #5E9AB3",
+"(@	c #78B9D5",
+"_@	c #E7FEFE",
+":@	c #EDFEFE",
+"<@	c #E0FEFE",
+"[@	c #D4FEFE",
+"}@	c #2B9AC1",
+"|@	c #2794BC",
+"1@	c #6EB5DD",
+"2@	c #1E83B1",
+"3@	c #A4E2FE",
+"4@	c #1D7FAF",
+"5@	c #569FCA",
+"6@	c #A0E2FE",
+"7@	c #4D92C1",
+"8@	c #0B6499",
+"9@	c #7DC1EA",
+"0@	c #8BD2FA",
+"a@	c #84CDF6",
+"b@	c #7CC7F1",
+"c@	c #78C4EF",
+"d@	c #095393",
+"e@	c #064B8F",
+"f@	c #65B8E5",
+"g@	c #001B61",
+"h@	c #5796B1",
+"i@	c #72B4D0",
+"j@	c #71B7D5",
+"k@	c #A1DDF8",
+"l@	c #A6E1FD",
+"m@	c #A6E2FD",
+"n@	c #BDF5FE",
+"o@	c #D8FEFE",
+"p@	c #D6FEFE",
+"q@	c #73BCE0",
+"r@	c #BDF8FE",
+"s@	c #97D6FB",
+"t@	c #1C7FAE",
+"u@	c #7FC1E6",
+"v@	c #1B7BAC",
+"w@	c #74BAE1",
+"x@	c #84C8EF",
+"y@	c #0B6298",
+"z@	c #5395C4",
+"A@	c #87D0F9",
+"B@	c #82CDF7",
+"C@	c #7BC7F2",
+"D@	c #76C4EF",
+"E@	c #05498D",
+"F@	c #61B5E3",
+"G@	c #001C64",
+"H@	c #5192AE",
+"I@	c #65A9C6",
+"J@	c #66AECC",
+"K@	c #5BAAC9",
+"L@	c #56A8C9",
+"M@	c #4AA2C4",
+"N@	c #85CBEA",
+"O@	c #CFFDFE",
+"P@	c #CEFDFE",
+"Q@	c #8CCFF1",
+"R@	c #9CDBFC",
+"S@	c #A4E3FE",
+"T@	c #187AAA",
+"U@	c #4390BB",
+"V@	c #1775A7",
+"W@	c #88CCF3",
+"X@	c #8BD0F7",
+"Y@	c #075B94",
+"Z@	c #2E73AB",
+"`@	c #7CC6F0",
+" #	c #72C0EB",
+".#	c #6EBEEB",
+"+#	c #03448A",
+"@#	c #5EB3E3",
+"##	c #002771",
+"$#	c #4A8DAA",
+"%#	c #60A5C3",
+"&#	c #59A5C3",
+"*#	c #B7EDFE",
+"=#	c #C0F4FE",
+"-#	c #58ACCE",
+";#	c #3197BC",
+">#	c #CDFDFE",
+",#	c #C0F8FE",
+"'#	c #4F9DC3",
+")#	c #308CB9",
+"!#	c #B0ECFE",
+"~#	c #B2F0FE",
+"{#	c #579DC9",
+"]#	c #4B93C2",
+"^#	c #93D8FD",
+"/#	c #478CBE",
+"(#	c #085793",
+"_#	c #61A9D7",
+":#	c #69BCE9",
+"<#	c #014088",
+"[#	c #5CB2E3",
+"}#	c #002370",
+"|#	c #3C84A2",
+"1#	c #58A0BE",
+"2#	c #4D9CBB",
+"3#	c #CAFCFE",
+"4#	c #73BEE0",
+"5#	c #1E8FB5",
+"6#	c #B3EDFE",
+"7#	c #ABE6FE",
+"8#	c #157DA9",
+"9#	c #63AAD3",
+"0#	c #AFECFE",
+"a#	c #AAE9FE",
+"b#	c #A6E6FE",
+"c#	c #7DC0E8",
+"d#	c #116CA0",
+"e#	c #68ADD8",
+"f#	c #8DD3F9",
+"g#	c #8AD1F9",
+"h#	c #83CCF5",
+"i#	c #63ABD9",
+"j#	c #05528F",
+"k#	c #044E8E",
+"l#	c #6EBDEA",
+"m#	c #67BAE7",
+"n#	c #63B7E5",
+"o#	c #013F87",
+"p#	c #003683",
+"q#	c #57AFE1",
+"r#	c #001D6C",
+"s#	c #35809E",
+"t#	c #CDFCFE",
+"u#	c #4F9BBA",
+"v#	c #4296B6",
+"w#	c #C7FAFE",
+"x#	c #C5F9FE",
+"y#	c #98D6F6",
+"z#	c #1887AE",
+"A#	c #84C6E8",
+"B#	c #B7F0FE",
+"C#	c #7DBDE1",
+"D#	c #1176A4",
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Modified: trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.install
--- trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.install	2007-12-20 08:19:19 UTC (rev 155)
+++ trunk/debian/virtualbox-ose.install	2007-12-20 09:04:39 UTC (rev 156)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-debian/vbox.cfg /etc/vbox
-debian/interfaces /etc/vbox
+debian/virtualbox-ose.files/vbox.cfg /etc/vbox
+debian/virtualbox-ose.files/interfaces /etc/vbox
+debian/virtualbox-ose.files/VBox.sh /usr/lib/virtualbox
+debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.desktop /usr/share/applications
+debian/virtualbox-ose.files/virtualbox-ose.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps
-debian/desktop/virtualbox-ose.desktop /usr/share/applications
-debian/pixmap/virtualbox-ose.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps
 debian/lintian/virtualbox-ose /usr/share/lintian/overrides
 out/bin/components /usr/lib/virtualbox

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