gnugk upload
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 23:45:45 +0200
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On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 08:36:43AM +1000, Mark Purcell wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 26 April 2004 00:52, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
> > I'm going to make an upload of gnugk package to solve 245745.
> > In the new "Debian VoIP Team" spirit, I'd like to chnage Maintainer
> > field to this, adding peopole in the team to the uploaders field. Also,
> > as part of the svn commiting I have changed your package to use dpatch,
> > making for now a hughe patch with all the diff. This will be split
> > later.
> I've uploaded a fixed version of gnugk which has closed the bug allready.
> I still need to get my head around dpatch, but it sounds good. Same for t=
> Maintainer/ uploaders.
> > Please read my yesterday email about mailing list and svn repo. I'd
> > like to see also joining the team.
> I'll need to digest what you said yesterday and have a poke around svn. =
> haven't used svn yet so need to come upto speed with that approach.
Ok, if you get the svn repo (or update it), you'll find a dpatchfied
debian/ for your gnugk version. It's quite easy to use that. Anyway, as
I made it it's not the best way to have patches. Each piece of the
patch should be in a different file.
If you have any trouble, please ask here.
Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
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