Bug#265885: ohphone: works with oss libpt plugins

Alistair K Phipps Alistair K Phipps <debbugs3@alistairphipps.com>, 265885@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 00:15:54 +0100

Package: ohphone
Version: 1.4.3-1
Followup-For: Bug #265885

Hi Kilian,

Thanks for your response.

If I install libpt-plugins-oss, ohphone 1.4.3-1 shows:

Sound output device: "/dev/dsp0"
Sound  input device: "/dev/dsp0"
Recording using mixer channel mic

And audio works.  I'm not sure why it doesn't work with just the ALSA
plugin though - I would have thought it would all work the same through

However, video still doesn't work with 1.4.3-1 (it does work with
1.4.1-1).  I see no error messages relating to video, just the output:

Set video size to be large
Video receive using device : x11
Video receive quality hint : -1

Video transmit enabled with local video window enabled
Video transmit size is large
Video capture using input 0
Video capture using format PAL
Video picture in picture of local video disabled
Video transmit quality is 0
Video background fill blocks 2
Video transmit frames per sec 0 (default) 
Video bitrate 0 bps

Which is identical to that of 1.4.1-1.  Setting the verbosity levels
higher makes no difference.

I use the command line parameters:

ohphone -n --videotransmit --videoreceive x11 --videosize large
--videolocal hostname

I do get video displayed and transmitted, but it's just the colour test
bars that you normally see if your camera is not set up properly.
However, with an identical command line, 1.4.1-1 works and displays my

I'm using a "pwc" webcam, with pwcx module loaded so that the large
video size works properly.

Using --videotest with -t -t to get trace output, 1.4.1 gives:

0:00.028        H323 Listener:8091ab8   transports.cxx(1334)
  H323 Awaiting TCP connections on port 1720
0:00.031                      OhPhone         main.cxx(2247)
Available video input device:  /dev/video0
0:00.032      TestUserIn...d:08093d68         main.cxx(3718)
OhPhone TESTING interface thread started.
0:00.032                      OhPhone         main.cxx(2247)
Available video input device:  /dev/video1
0:00.032                      OhPhone         main.cxx(2247)
Available video input device:  fake

But 1.4.3 just gives:

0:00.633        H323 Listener:8099978   transports.cxx(1337)
  H323    Awaiting TCP connections on port 1720
0:00.634      TestUserIn...d:0809ca00         main.cxx(3782)
  OhPhone TESTING interface thread started.

Sorry this is now OT from the original title of the bug report.

Thanks for your help,
