Bug#265885: ohphone: works with oss libpt plugins

Alistair K Phipps Alistair K Phipps <debbugs3@alistairphipps.com>, 265885@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 10:59:31 +0100

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 08:58:28 +0200
Kilian Krause <kk@verfaction.de> wrote:

> btw. does gnomemeeting work ok for you? GnomeMeeting has a setup-druid
> you can test video and audio with. (Or plain use the preview for video)

Yes - gnomemeeting video and audio works just fine (using ALSA for

> If that does work ok and ohphone doesn't, then ohphone would be having a
> problem (which would be weird, as both only use the pwlib plugins).

It certainly appears that way, as ohphone 1.4.1 and gnomemeeting work
with video but ohphone 1.4.3 does not.

> P.S.: Your sender email from this bug does bounce at your mailserver.
> You might want to correct that.

Sorry about that - I change my debbugs email addresses whenever I
start receiving spam on them, but forgot to change my reportbug
settings.  I've reenabled debbugs3@ now.

Please let me know if there's any other tests I can try.

