request for packaging
Kilian Krause
Sun, 26 Dec 2004 23:30:34 +0100
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Hi again,
i just wanted to add the remarks i have about the package so far:
- the GUI isn't packaged. I'm not sure from the "Dokumentazione" if
that's possible or even intended from the main package. Yet as it's
Java, i'm not even sure how this shall be achieved as there's only the
free JDKs like Kaffee in Debian.
- i had to remove ldconfig calls from the Makefiles to ensure the
package can be built as user
- the zaptel.h is only available in zaptel-source. I somewhat hacked the
include to /usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaptel.h .. not sure if that's a
"good" solution, but it kinda works
- so far i'm very unhappy with /usr/lib/yate/ for the modules. I'd
rather have this within /var/lib/yate/, but can't find a switch to make
this be relocated in configure
- from the docs i read that there's a make test. I'd love to include a
validity test to ensure the built package works as intended (has proven
a great help with openh323 apps *g*). Is it safe to be included into
building? What will it test? Does it require root? There's not very much
verbose output to what is actually being tested and what's the result.
Plus multiple executions of ./mktestlinks yield:
ln: `randcall.yate': File exists
ln: `msgsniff.yate': File exists
- the Debian package is *VERY* beta.. I have just tried to make it
compile and execute cleanly. So far i can start the yate, but i don't
receive a "console" like in asterisk.. rather it just hangs in mid-air
not telling me if it was done now or waiting for something.
For all the voip DDs, i have commited yate/trunk to pkg-voip SVN for
everyone to toy around with it. Don't tell me it cannot be uploaded like
this, that wasn't my intention. I'd rather like to know if the packaging
(i.e. the control and rules) are ok like this. Once this is settled,
i'll finish the README and stuff so we can pump this onto the ftps..
Best regards,
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