Subversion/dpatch help needed
Kilian Krause
Debian Voip Team <>
Fri, 09 Jul 2004 09:06:12 +0200
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Hi Mark,
> I am tracking some pretty serious issues with asterisk at present,
> mainly due to the upgrade of h.323 makeing the current asterisk uninstall=
> and asterisk won't build with the current version of h.323. That's the ea=
sy bit
> I'm going to drop h.323 support for the time being (it's experiemental an=
> I have a new version of asterisk ready to upload (which clears a number o=
f RC
> bugs). 1:0.91 (yes the numbering is backwards :-( http://people.debian.or=
That's bad. Very bad. H323 is a vital issue with asterisk and i'd hate
to see it dropped. Afaik, Jose told me that oh323 was ready with the new
libs code. So moving from chan_h323 to chan_oh323 sounds like a feasible
> The issue I have is I still can't get my head around the whole subversion
> space. Especially the use of dpatch and svn-buildpackage.
Well, let's try to sort this out a bit. ;)
> I have checked out the whole pkg-voip branch and can cd down to my packag=
> Or should I only be checking out (co) my indivual packages.
Choose the one to your liking. =3D) It's your filesys and thus it's your
choice how to have the local repository. However i somewhat still
dislike the current structure for i cannot "svn co .../trunk/", but
that's another issue. There's pros and cons for both theories and now we
have this layout. (Which makes more sense for we don't have unified
version numbers across all packages)
> I understand that I am supposed to work on 'trunk' and make changes there=
> but that is where things start to fall apart.
> Can someone provide some more detailed instructions on how and where the=20
> ../tarballs directory is supposed to sit. Is that /trunk/../tarballs?
You're supposed to have:
then you "cd asterisk/trunk;svn-buildpackage" which takes the tarball
from ../tarballs/ to ../build-area, merges the debian/ in and voila.
> Then how do I actually edit my package, dpatch-edit looks like it should =
do the
> trick, but again that isn't working for me, but I also suspect that has=20
> something to do with where I have placed my tarballs directory.
dpatch-edit is kind of working for a fully featured build-dir. So doing
that in the trunk cannot apply the dpatch patches and will thus return
an error. So basically "apt-get source asterisk;cd asterisk*;dpatch-edit
01-mypatch" will do the trick..
Then you'll have a dpatch file which you can move to the SVN dir. I'm
not sure there's a svn-dpatch-edit which will take the tarballs to
build-area and then edit from there, but you don't that often change
dpatches, do you?
> Then when I try and run svn-buildpackage I can't get my package to build.
Which errormsg?
> Once this is complete I am supposed to copy the new directory to a new up=
> branch? and then checkback in? Again I presume I should only checkin my=20
> indivual package tree and not the whole pkg-voip tree as the latter now h=
as my
> tarballs directory which I don't want to include in the subversion upload=
svn is nice for that. you can just "svn cp asterisk/trunk
asterisk/branches/1:0.91-1" or ".../branches/1.0-2". You can even do
that on the SVN server without local repository etc.. When working on
the local filesys, then you need to run "svn ci" afterwards to make the
changes propagate back to svn.d.o.
Your tarballs will not be uploaded unless you "svn add" them. So even
when running svn ci in the toplevel pkg-voip dir, you cannot upload them
> Doesn't anyone have, or can provide a simple howto on which commands and =
> directories and hotwo use those combinations I would be very greatful and=
> to use svn for pkg-voip.
There's a README in the toplevel pkg-voip dir and svn-buildpackage and
dptach have their own. Jose tried to make the README as much
self-explaining as possible, but if that's still not beginner-level,
please let us know where we need to work further to fulfil that.
Best regards,
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