Bug#259399: gnugk FTBFS bug (#259399)

Mark Purcell Mark Purcell <msp@debian.org>, 259399@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 15:08:32 +1000

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reassign 259399 libopenh323-dev
reassign 259559 libopenh323-dev
severity 259116 serious
merge 259116 259399 259559


You are correct. Currently gnugk and libopenh323-dev are not compatible

We are working on the problem.

gnugk-2.0.8 is known to be a good combination with openh323 version
1.14.0, 1.13.5 and 1.12.3.


On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 09:32:56PM -0400, Jurij Smakov wrote:
> Hello,
> This bug appears to be a duplicate of bug #259116, filed against
> libopenh323-dev and closed by a recent libopenh323-dev upload. As far as i
> can tell, gnugk uses the /usr/share/openh323/openh323u.mak file, which
> actually belongs to libopenh323-dev, and which was fixed to make the
> problem in #259116 go away. It is possible, that I completely
> misunderstand the situation, so it would be nice if either libopenh323-dev
> maintainers (CC'd) and/or gnugk maintainer look at it and close this bug,
> if appropriate.
> Jurij Smakov                                        jurij@wooyd.org
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