GnuGK segfaults

Kilian Krause
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 12:59:24 +0200

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as Jose just told me this was compiled against janus instead against
janus_patch3. The new preview-packs are at
So whoever wants to give them a try, feel free to keep us posted.

Am Sa, den 31.07.2004 schrieb Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo um 12:46:
>  Hi,
> =20
>  attached there is a patch to make gnugk compile with latest openh323 in
>  Sid, in which I have added a RELATED_PKG_MAKEFILE var to skip building
>  of openh323 lib from openh323u.mak.
>  As you can see, the patch is inteded as a NMU. I was going to do it, as
>  you has not changed yet Maintainer field, nor commited any change to
>  SVN, but after compiling everything fine, when gnugk --help is called
>  for building the manpage through help2man, it segfaults. The same
>  happens if you call openh323 directly. I don't know if this is related
>  to pwlib/openh323 version it has been compiled to, but as it's seen in
>  the backtrace, when it segfaults it hasn't called yet any
>  openh323/pwlib function.
>  Cheers,

Best regards,

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