Bug#249040: FTBFS: -fPIC missing
Goswin von Brederlow
Goswin von Brederlow <brederlo@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>,
Fri, 21 May 2004 01:10:04 +0200
Tim Johann <t1m@phrogstar.de> writes:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> We removed this, for lines
> ifeq ($(P_SHAREDLIB),1)
> ifndef PROG
> endif # PROG
> endif # P_SHAREDLIB
That should work on any arch. Are you sure the STDCCFLAGS are used
when linking too?
> are in 'unix.mak' and '01_unix.mak.dpatch' (within 'ifeq
> ($(OSTYPE),linux)' dependency). There are none for the static libs,
> because of FBTFS of the static openh323 libs:(see changelog, version
> 1.5.2-1).
> So, I propose a patch including LDFLAGS at the same point within the
> '01_unix.mak.dpatch', 'cause such changes ought to go upstream (while
> making the patch obsolete).
> Though, as my builds do not fail, I wonder, on wich target exactly
> they do for you (static libs? static debug?).
> ~ cheers,
> ~ t1m
On some platforms (like i386) a missing -fPIC does not caus build
failures. On other archs, like amd64 or ia64, the build of shared
libraries without -fPIC completly fails.
Where do you test?