Bug#271531: ptbuildopts.h incorrect on alpha
Anders Hammarquist
Anders Hammarquist <iko@cd.chalmers.se>, 271531@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:01:57 +0200
In a message of Mon, 13 Sep 2004 19:19:56 +0200, Andreas Barth writes:
>* Anders Hammarquist (iko@cd.chalmers.se) [040913 18:25]:
>> In a message of Mon, 13 Sep 2004 17:57:50 +0200, Andreas Barth writes:
>> >A recompilation of this (and another library) is already done, and will
>> >be uploaded before todays dinstall.
>> Excellent! Would this other library be libopenh323? (I suspect that
>> version of that is affected as well).
>Yes. However, there is one mismatch: While you spoke about alpha, I
>spoke about hppa (and on hppa, a compilation with a 64bit-kernel leads
>to wrong results). (If wanted, I can also recompile alpha, but I
>currently don't see what to do there.) Sorry for this too optimistic
No problems. I'll check what needs to be done for the alpha and upload
what's needed. For now, it seems a simple recompile of pwlib and openh323
will cure all problems. I've rebuilt pwlib, and openh323 is currently
-- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist | iko@cd.chalmers.se
Physics student, Chalmers University of Technology, | Hem: +46 31 88 48 50
G|teborg, Sweden. RADIO: SM6XMM and N2JGL | Mob: +46 707 27 86 87