Sarge transition and arm

Diana Cionoiu
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 00:50:12 +0300 (EEST)

Hello Killian,

Yate is working with zaphfc and with Klauss patches but you must use the 
CVS version.


> Hi Diana,
> Am Sonntag, den 10.04.2005, 21:13 +0300 schrieb Diana Cionoiu:
> > Hello Jose,
> > 
> > Zaptel is just a part of Yate. We've tested Yate as a VoIP client on a 
> > small arm box with 32 mb of ram.
> > On the other hand, Yate works with any Zaptel version we have try and with 
> > at least 5 versions of libpri. The same thing is true for openh323, since 
> > Yate is working with each openh323 version since openh323 is on voxgratia.
> we're using the bristuff patches with zaptel and libpri. Apparently they
> don't compile with YATE out of the box and need a patch there too. As
> you're working on bristuff support too, do you reckon your checks have
> been ok with bristuff RC7k?