asterisk-config upgrades

Tzafrir Cohen
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 22:30:38 +0300


asterisk currently depends on asterisk-config of exactly the same
version. This means that every upgrade of the package asterisk forces an
upgrade of the package asterisk-config.

People tend to have very customized configurations of asterisk. An
upgrade of asterisk-config can be quite annoying, and is doesn't really

Furthermore, many people don't want the defualt config files. They want
their own custom set. Such a dependency does not allow me to create a
dummy/partial config package so that asterisk-config will not be 

Why is the dependency on the exact version? What is the actual minimal
version required? Alternatively, make it depende on:

  asterisk-config=exact-version || asterisk-config-custum

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406