Bug#339293: New version of spandsp available

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Mon Dec 5 15:29:31 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 15 November 2005 07:27, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> http://soft-switch.org/downloads/spandsp/SPANDSP_0.0.2_IS_FOR_USERS
> http://soft-switch.org/downloads/spandsp/SPANDSP_0.0.3_IS_FOR_DEVELOPERS


The above URL contains all my recent work on SpanDSP stuff, and the newer 
version of the library is packaged there (actually 0.0.2pre21c). It seemed to 
pass through the tests of Linda and Lintian, but could require some testing. 
The dependencies version are satisfied by the available packages on Sarge too 
(I'm building everything using Sarge, but I've tested it on Unstable too and 
worked fine).

My diff.gz converts the package to the CDBS framework used by many package 
maintainers to make easier the handling of debian/rules. It also splits the 
packages so that we have now a -doc one with the API of SpanDSP written by 
the upstream author.

Tzafrir made it clear enough that the 0.0.2 is the one to be packaged and 
since there's a snapshot directory available inthe upstream' site 
(http://soft-switch.org/downloads), with the latest code, someone could want 
it, but in a libspandsp0-snapshot package instead. IMHO.

I'm sorry for posting these informations in the regular mailing-list some days 
ago, not in this bug report :/


Caio Begotti (caio1982)

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