Bug#342138: package asterisk-dev should contain asterisk.h main header

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Mon Dec 5 18:29:17 UTC 2005

Package: asterisk-dev
Version: 1.2.0.dfsg-4

The header named asterisk.h from the source code of Asterisk should be chipped 
into the asterisk-dev package (in the /usr/include directory, not 
in /usr/include/asterisk, by the way) so that developers can use the main 
call/functions/definitions from it and it would specially allow packages like 
extras channels and peripheric code (chan_unicall.so for example) to be 
created. I'm already maintaining it, but "offline", 'cause this bug.

Please, consider to fix it for the next revision... here's what I changed to 
fix it in my asterisk-dev (pretty simple, what makes me think why it's not 
included by default):

diff -ruN orig/asterisk-1.2.0.dfsg/debian/rules 
--- orig/asterisk-1.2.0.dfsg/debian/rules       2005-12-05 14:23:56.321246488 
+++ asterisk-1.2.0.dfsg/debian/rules    2005-12-05 14:12:22.503722784 -0200
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@
        cp debian/asterisk.default $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/etc/default/asterisk
        mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/cgi-bin/asterisk/
        cp contrib/scripts/vmail.cgi 
+       cp include/asterisk.h $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/include/
        chmod +x $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib/cgi-bin/asterisk/vmail.cgi

        dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp

diff -ruN orig/asterisk-1.2.0.dfsg/debian/asterisk-dev.install 
--- orig/asterisk-1.2.0.dfsg/debian/asterisk-dev.install        2005-12-05 
14:23:56.322246336 -0200
+++ asterisk-1.2.0.dfsg/debian/asterisk-dev.install     2005-12-05 
14:18:01.461193416 -0200
@@ -1 +1,2 @@


Caio Begotti (caio1982)

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