Bug#295220: asterisk.8.gz: build of asterisk changes binary file

Tzafrir Cohen Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com>, 295220@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 16:26:18 +0200

Package: asterisk
Version: 1.0.5-2

Whenever I try to rebuild (the second time onwards) the package asterisk
I get a message about unrepresentable changes in the source tree in the
file asterisk.8.gz .

That file is being recompressed in the target build-indep-stamp. 
My workaround was to compress to a new subdirectory I created and copy
it from there.

A subdirectory is probably required because just another name would
upset dh_installman

Tzafrir Cohen   icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com    http://xorcom.com