Bug#295220: asterisk.8.gz: build of asterisk changes binary file

Kilian Krause "Kilian Krause" <kk@verfaction.de>, 295220@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 18:02:50 +0100

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Hi Tzafrir,

Am Montag, den 14.02.2005, 16:26 +0200 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
> Package: asterisk
> Version: 1.0.5-2
> Whenever I try to rebuild (the second time onwards) the package asterisk
> I get a message about unrepresentable changes in the source tree in the
> file asterisk.8.gz .
> That file is being recompressed in the target build-indep-stamp.=20
> My workaround was to compress to a new subdirectory I created and copy
> it from there.
> A subdirectory is probably required because just another name would
> upset dh_installman

i've just doublechecked and the result is:
(sid)$ ls -l asterisk.8.gz=20
-rw-r--r--  1 kk kk 2340 Jul 18  2004 asterisk.8.gz
(sid)$ zcat asterisk.8.gz |gzip -9 >asterisk.8.gz=20
(sid)$ ls -l asterisk.8.gz=20
-rw-r--r--  1 kk kk 2329 Feb 14 18:01 asterisk.8.gz

Looks like we can just dump the recompression from the rules. I'll
prepare a fix for SVN.

Thanks for pointing this out. =3D)

Best regards,

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