ztcfg at asterisk init.d script
Santiago Ruano Rincón
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 00:54:33 -0500
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Le mardi 22 f=C3=A9vrier 2005 =C3=A0 03:34 +0100, Kilian Krause a =C3=A9cri=
t :
> Hi Santiago,
> > Can I have that script? I would like to add it to the zaptel package,
> > the one that comes with the sources is designed for redhat.
> it's in the Xorcom RAPID debs. I haven't yet commited it to SVN as it
> needs a bit of polish still. I might do that when I have cleared out
> where the zaphfc faulty double-init is coming from.
So, I'm going to search in it.
> However, I've moved your zaptel 1.0.4-2 changes into pkg-voip SVN and
> would like you to include those into your -3 upload.=20
Ok, I'll do that.
> There's quite a
> number of changes, like the needed patch to build on amd64 kernel with
> i386 userland and some INSTALL_DIR vs. DESTDIR cleanup.
> To stop duplication of work, please register an account on
> alioth.debian.org and mail Jos=C3=A9 the accountname, so he can join you =
> the pkg-voip team. That will help cooperating on for example zaptel, but
> you're welcome to help with the rest too.=20
great! :), my account name is "santiago-guest". It would be an honor.
> Btw. your diff held some
> unused ZTCFG.8 which i have not copied, hope that was ok.=20
Yes, it's ok, I forgot to delete that file.
> Apart from that the zaphfc saga continues. I have prepared new uploads
> in SVN (and on my private repository) which i'll start testing right
> now. Quite apparently BRIstuff RC5 does compile ok on AMD64. If someone
> does know any user with amd64 and a bristuff card (zaphfc or quozap),
> bring him on :-D
Thanks a lot,
Santiago Ruano Rinc=C3=B3n
Grupo GNU/Linux Universidad del Cauca
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