asterisk and mysql_cdr
Steve Langasek
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:13:21 -0800
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On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 04:46:25PM -0500, Glenn Maynard wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 10:20:28PM +0100, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
> > > We were recently contacted by MySQL and informed that the MySQL clien=
> > > libraries are now under GPL license and not LGPL license as before. =
> > > Since Asterisk does allow exceptions to GPL, we are removing MySQL su=
> > > from standard Asterisk. We will, where appropriate, make it availabl=
e via=20
> > > a separate package which will only be usable when Asterisk is used co=
> > > within GPL (i.e. not in conjunction with G.729, OpenH.323, etc). We=
> > > apologize for the confusion.
> > > You may find this in the new "asterisk-addons" package.
> > In my opinion that removal was wrong and unnecessary. Copyright holders
> > for a GPL package can put exceptions to allow distribution of binaries
> > of their software linked to GPL-incompatible pieces of software. And the
> > viral seed of GPL has nothing to do here, as the program who links to
> > GPL incompatible software is GPL itself.
> > If what the Asterisk author says above were true, his only problem were
> > not mysql. The same for every program giving an exception for linking
> > with OpenSSL or other different GPL incompatible software.
> It sounds like Asterisk's authors wish to allow Asterisk to be linked
> against GPL-incompatible libraries (which I assume "G.729" and "OpenH.323"
> are examples of).
> If they wish to do this, they need an explicit exception from the copyrig=
> holders of *all* GPL works being linked against. This means that not only
> must the Asterisk authors grant an exception; they also must have an exce=
> from the MySQL copyright holders, as well, and any other GPL libraries th=
> use.
> Presumably, MySQL won't grant such an exception. Therefore, distributing
> an Asterisk binary linked against both MySQL and G.729 violates the licen=
> of MySQL. Exceptions granted by Asterisk can't fix this (though they can
> make it worse if poorly implemented, as below).
libopenh323 is distributed under the MPL 1.0, for which MySQL AB have
already granted a linking exception.
YMMV for other GPL code involved.
Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer
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