Experienced problems with asterisk and x-lite ?
Nestor A. Diaz L.
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 09:41:12 -0500 (COT)
Hello debian people.
I am a debian user, and a newbie asterisk fan, i have set up my asterisk
system but i can not do sip to sip communication with x-lite, is there
something especific on the packages i have to change ?, i only use zaptel
and sip, zaptel works nice and can redirect the call to a sip x-lite phone
and works nice, but a x-lite to x-lite is not working for me, i have
followed the tutorials on onlamp.com.
I will apreciate any help from you.
I use updated packages from testing.
Thanks for your time.
Nestor A. Diaz
Ingeniero de Sistemas y Comp.
Tel. +57 1 6005490
Cel. +57 315 8190760
Bogota, Colombia