[Fwd: [Voip-select] Bayonne 2 GPL licensed telephony server introduced on Microsoft Windows]

Mark Purcell msp@debian.org
Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:23:05 +0100

Hi Killian,

I think we should replace bayonne with bayonne2 directly.  I don't think we 
should have both around in the archives.

Interesting that the David is calling the next bayonne2 0.2.


On Sunday 12 June 2005 16:06, Kilian Krause wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> do you think we should move bayonne to bayonne2 replacing what's in SID
> now or upload as new source?
> -K.-
> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Von: David Sugar <dyfet@ostel.com>
> Antwort an: dyfet@gnutelephony.org
> An: Vox Gratia VoIP List <voip-select@voxgratia.org>
> Betreff: [Voip-select] Bayonne 2 GPL licensed telephony server
> introduced on Microsoft Windows
> Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 08:42:33 -0400
> On June 6th, I made initially available a second generation Bayonne
> telephony server for immediate testing and further development.  This
> new server offers support both for wired and protocol stack based
> telephony drivers, including initial support for SIP and H323.  Bayonne
> 2 uses a simplified driver model and exposes core functionality both
> through an interface library and a model script driven voice application
> server.  This initial release was to allow full public testing and
> development of Bayonne 2 to officially begin, and as such has a limited
> functional range which will be expanded upon over the summer months.
> As of June 12th, GNU Bayonne 2 0.2.0 is now available from the GNU ftp
> site, ftp.gnu.org, under /gnu/bayonne.  You will also need commoncpp2,
> ccscript3, ccaudio2, and ccrtp, which are all available from the gnu
> site.  To use SIP, you will need to install GNU osip2 and exosip, as
> explained in the installation guide.  To use H323 support, you will need
> a current release of OpenH323 and PWLIB, along with a relatively recent
> version of gcc under a relatively recent distro, such as Debian Testing
> (Debian 3.1) or Ubuntu, or alternately you can build Bayonne 2 nativily
> under Microsoft Visual Studio.
> GNU Bayonne2 0.2.0 is also the first release of our GPL licensed
> telephony server to be made available for installation and immediate
> testing under Microsoft Windows.  I will continue to principally develop
> Bayonne for multiple Posix platforms, including FreeBSD, MacOS/X,
> Solaris, and especially GNU/Linux.  However, I will also make future
> builds concurrently available under Microsoft Windows as well.
> The 0.2.0 release also introduces the Bayonne w32 installer
> (Bayonne2.exe) for those who do not wish to compile the server
> themselves.  You should use the CAPE.exe installer first (1.3.11 or
> later), as it includes many of the essential runtime libraries required
> for GNU Bayonne 2.  This initial release was made to facilitate testing
> and further development of GNU Bayonne 2 under the Microsoft Windows
> target platform, and includes a build for the soundcard and sip drivers
> only.  In the very near future, I will add Voicetronix and h323 builds
> for the w32 build environment as well.
> Any questions should be sent to dyfet@gnutelephony.org.  Further
> information and links to downloads may be found through
> www.gnutelephony.org.
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