Fax software

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:40:31 +0300

On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 09:09:11PM +0200, Kilian Krause wrote:
> Hi Grant,
> Am Montag, den 13.06.2005, 10:38 -0700 schrieb Grant Cheeseman:
> > 
> > I came across your Debian fax software for Asterisk  - please let me
> > know where I can find info - what it does etc.
> > 
> > I am looking for a fax broadcast software for Asterisk
> I'm not sure this is the official upstream location, but you can find a
> more than recent copy at:
> https://aefirion.org/aefirion/projects/aefirion/trunk/spandsp/

Is this spandsp 0.0.1? Even Debian has a more up-to-date copy. SpanDSP's
homepage is http://soft-switch.org/ .

Does aefirion try to add something that is actually a "fax software"?
What we currently have today (and is packaged in debs) are asterisk
"applications" that for generating a fax from a specific tiff image and
vice-versa. This is still a far cry from a full-fledged fax software.

There are some other options of faxing to/from Asterisk, that require
extra hardware.

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com