Bug#315430: asterisk not starting because of undefined symbols in several app_capis

Simon Liebold Simon Liebold <simon.liebold@formfall.de>, 315430@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 18:14:32 +0200

Package: asterisk-chan-capi
Version: 0.3.5-11

After a fresh installation of asterisk and asterisk-chan-capi, asterisk
refuses to start. A manual start with "asterisk -cvvvv" shows messages
like this for several modules:

[app_capiMCID.so]Jun 22 17:41:40 WARNING[7058]: loader.c:258
ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_capiMCID.so: undefined
symbol: capidebug
Jun 22 17:41:40 WARNING[7058]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module
app_capiMCID.so failed!

To circumvent this and prevent these modules from loading, the following
lines have to be added to /etc/asterisk/modules.conf:

noload => app_capiCD.so
noload => app_capiHOLD.so
noload => app_capiRETRIEVE.so
noload => app_capiECT.so

Actually, the README suggests this: "No No No, dont use those yet....!"

Maybe, these should be deactivated by default.

Asterisk-version is 1:1.0.7.dfsg.1-2

hope it helps,