AMP packages

Jerome Warnier
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 17:14:57 +0100

Le mardi 08 mars 2005 =E0 16:28 +0100, Jerome Warnier a =E9crit :
> Le mardi 08 mars 2005 =E0 15:12 +0100, Kilian Krause a =E9crit :
> > Hi Jerome,
> >=20
> > Am Dienstag, den 08.03.2005, 14:44 +0100 schrieb Jerome Warnier:
> > > [..]
> > > Just a question about AMP and Debian: Do someone here already have a
> > > clear and detailed installation procedure/guide of AMP on Debian?
> > >=20
> > > If not, I volunteer to do it and post it here (probably even today).
> >=20
> > IIRC Tzafrir Cohen has AMP in his debs already. His webserver is
> > currently down, but you should get to it later at:
> >
> It seems to be available now.
> However, I am using Sarge, and the package amportal is not installable
> because of an unresolvable dependency to =ABphpapi-20020918=BB. I can see
> that "libapache2-mod-php4" for example provides
> "phpapi-20020918-zts" (note the "-zts" at the end).
> I will try to fix it a submit a patch right away.
Ok, I guess it (the dependency on phpapi-xxx) was there to provide
something like "libapache-mod-php4" or "libapache2-mod-php4".
Replacing "phpapi-20020918" with "libapache-mod-php4 |
libapache2-mod-php4" in debian/control fixes it.

Yet, I noticed two problems:
1) php.ini is not configured to load by default, so AMPortal
fails miserably

2) I get the following kind of errors in the interface:
: main(AMPWEBROOT/admin/cdr/lib/DB-modules/phplib_mysql.php): failed to
open stream: No such file or directory
in /var/www/amportal/admin/cdr/lib/defines.php on line 40

Warning: main(): Failed opening
'AMPWEBROOT/admin/cdr/lib/DB-modules/phplib_mysql.php' for inclusion
in /var/www/amportal/admin/cdr/lib/defines.php on line 40

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: db_sql
in /var/www/amportal/admin/cdr/lib/defines.php on line 46

And I can read that kind of Apache error logs:
[Tue Mar 08 17:11:24 2005] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/css, referer:
[Tue Mar 08 17:11:24 2005] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/admin, referer:

> > We didn't include these debs into Debian yet for the Flash component
> > seems to need some non-free compiler. At least that's the last i remebe=
> > from this thread. Maybe Tzfarir has some more news on this.

Jerome Warnier <>