A comment on the asterisk packaging and a question

Ralph Aichinger ralph@mail.pangea.at
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:29:26 +0100

Am Montag, den 21.03.2005, 12:05 +0100 schrieb Kilian Krause:

> The bristuff/zaphfc stuff should be noted there IIRC. But if you have a
> proposal how a wording would be to guide you (as newbie) properly, i'm
> all ears to hear about it.

I'll think about it!

> module-assistant too. The trick that should take you there is going
> to /usr/src/modules/zaptel and running
> make KSRC=/usr/src/linux-yourvserion/
> after that you can most easily copy zaptel.ko and zaphfc/zaphfc.ko
> into /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/ (which you may or may not yet have,
> just mkdir it)
> Then running "depmod -a" and "modprobe zaphfc modes=1" should do the
> trick.

Thanks a lot, that helped!

But there is still a problem for me (I get no dialtone). Could
it be related to the following warnings?

make[1]: Entering directory `/av/linux-2.6.9'
  Building modules, stage 2.
*** Warning: "zt_register" [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko]
undefined!*** Warning:
"zt_transmit" [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko] undefined!***
Warning: "zt_receive" [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko]
*** Warning: "zt_ec_chunk" [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko]
undefined!*** Warning:
"zt_unregister" [/usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko] undefined!

I get the same warnings when building upstream bristuff (that was
the reason why I tried Debian packages). Sorry if this is OT here,
as this is most likely a upstream issue, but I would appreciate any
hints nevertheless.

> I'm still planning on sorting this a bit out (or wait for Santiago to do
> it for me *g*), but it's a bit tedious.

Debian packages are a *huge* improvement over upstream build-from-
source of bristuff (with overwriting config and other "fun" things).

Thanks a lot for your work!

Ralph Aichinger <ralph@mail.pangea.at>