Any plans to package a STUN server?
Diana Cionoiu
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 23:10:12 +0300 (EEST)
Hello Kilian,
> Hi Diana,
> Am Montag, den 28.03.2005, 22:34 +0300 schrieb Diana Cionoiu:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Whoever use Vovida software have a big problem. Vovida is the worse
> > software i know in free software regarding voip. Worse then that is only
> > jboss.
> any more detailled rationale what's wrong with them except the general
> rant?
of course. i never rant unecessary.
just try to compile VOCAL and take a look into sources and you will find
the best examples about how to not write code in c++.
maybe meanwhile they have change some things, but i still consider that
asterisk was a huge step ahead from VOCAL.