Bug#296958: Problem with creating device files.
Santiago Ruano Rincón
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:20:42 -0500
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Le jeudi 31 mars 2005 =C3=A0 09:54 +0200, Kilian Krause a =C3=A9crit :
> Hi Tzafrir,
> Am Donnerstag, den 31.03.2005, 07:07 +0200 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
> > On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 12:04:32AM +0200, Kilian Krause wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > > > The default kernel of Sarge uses nither. So it is relevant.=20
> > > >=20
> > > > Yes, we need to create "usual" devices by default. If not, it won=
> > > > work for a lot of users.
> > >=20
> > > yes, so we need a MAKEDEV bug to have /dev/zap* support in there..
> > >=20
yes, that is the best solution, after this message, I'll report it.
> > > > >=20
> > > > > So what group did we want to give them?
> > > >=20
> > > > This is the same question I made when I asked about device
> > > > permissions... so that need to be answered first.
> > >=20
> > > the zaptel devices are permissioned 0660 for root.audio following the
> > > "sound" Section of the package itself.
> >=20
> > And those devices are related to "audio" becasue?
> because zaptel is an "audio driver" to the debian archive (looking at
> the Section). It therefore has audio devices which have a control
> channel and interface with the PSTN. See them as a
> "MoDem" (Modulator-Demodulator), like an ancient accoustic coupler or a
> newer voice-modem-lookalike.
> IMHO, if we consider them to be a digital modem/network entity rather
> than a voice-modem, we should move zaptel to "comm" consistently
> (meaning we need the overrides file adjusted). If we however look at
> ISDN devices which we need for chan_capi, they're in the dialout group.
> So there's good reason to tell zaptel (in the digital version) needs to
> move over to comm.
> As for overrides: there's 3 new ftpmasters now, so I'd say there's hope
> if we're asking for the alteration, it'd be changed soon enough.
> Santiago, any specific other reason you put it into sound in the first
> place?
None. Actually, Matt Zimmerman was who put zaptel into the sound
kind regards,
Santiago Ruano Rinc=C3=B3n
Grupo GNU/Linux Universidad del Cauca
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