Bug#311150: ITP: twinkle -- VoIP Softphone
Jerome Warnier
Mon, 30 May 2005 23:12:55 +0200
Le dimanche 29 mai 2005 =E0 23:14 +0200, Kilian Krause a =E9crit :
> Hi Tzafrir,
> > I currently use minisip for local testing. It badly lacks DTMF dialing,=
> > therefor not good enough. Linphone and kphone are simply too buggy, and
> > lack decent multi-account capability.
> not sure this answers your question, but you could give the gm2cvs a
> try... GnomeMeeting2 does have SIP and H.323 support and multiple
> accounts aswell. Thus you may just install it as gnomemeeting-opal-cvs
> from
> deb http://snapshots.seconix.com/debian/ sid main
> or whatever sid/sarge/pure64/hoary you're running. ;)
Well, it seems to depend upon libhowl0 (>=3D 0.9.8-1), which is no longer
available in Sarge.=20
> Hth.
Jerome Warnier <jwarnier@beeznest.net>