Bug#330983: marked as done (asterisk: Building chan_zap.so requires zaptel.h at the wrong place)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Wed Nov 9 20:49:27 UTC 2005

Your message dated Wed, 9 Nov 2005 19:28:39 +0000
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From: Christoph Biedl <cbiedl at gmx.de>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit at bugs.debian.org>
Subject: asterisk: Building chan_zap.so requires zaptel.h at the wrong place
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Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:49:07 +0200
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Package: asterisk
Version: 1:1.0.7.dfsg.1-2.1
Severity: normal

Re-building the asterisk package from the sources (I had to apply some
patches but this problem exists in the original Debian sources, too) I
found the chan_zap.so module was missing in the created packages. This
renders such a package quite unusable since communication using ISDN is
not possible any longer.

This happened due to checks in channels/Makefile which test for the
presence of '/usr/src/modules/zaptel/zaptel.h' and skip chan_zap
compilation if missing. However, there is no file in the Debian

Workaround: Create the directory /usr/src/modules/zaptel and symlink
/usr/include/linux/zaptel.h (provided by zaptel-source) there.

Solution was probably to review debian/patches/08_debian-zaptel.dpatch
whether it really does things as it should do.

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From: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
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Subject: Fwd: Re: Bug#330983: asterisk: Building chan_zap.so (and five other modules) requires zaptel.h at the wrong place
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Packages: asterisk
Version: 1:1.0.9.dfsg-3

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: Bug#330983: asterisk: Building chan_zap.so (and five other 
modules) requires zaptel.h at the wrong place
Date: Tuesday 08 November 2005 22:59
From: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
To: Christoph Biedl <cbiedl at gmx.de>
Cc: 330983 at bugs.debian.org, Andreas Barth <aba at not.so.argh.org>

On Tuesday 08 November 2005 10:04, Christoph Biedl wrote:

> I have been told the package was uploaded by the maintainer, not build
> on the Debian buildds. Which would also explain the bug report.


> This is not for the i386 architecture. I admit that this build log looks
> fine for alpha but cannot verify it (there's only i386 and hppa here).

OK the original asterisk_1:1.0.7.dfsg.1-2 package (i386) and buildds were
built against zaptel-source_1:1.0.7-1.

In the leadup to the release for sarge asterisk remained the same, however
zaptel-source tranisitioned to using modules-assistant and underwent a number
of NMU's and was released in sarge as zaptel (1:1.0.7-4.1).

The fix as pointed out originally is to update 08_debian-zaptel.dpatch to
acount for the new include file location. In fact the patch isn't needed at
all as the package compiles correctly without it :-( This is fixed in
unstable allready as this patch is no longer used.

I have now applied this to svn.debian.org under pkg-voip, to version

Question is? Now the package is fixed how to get an additional upload into

Given the guidance in the developers reference, I'm not sure we qualify
against the critera:




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