Fwd: kiax_0.8.4-3_i386.changes REJECTED
George Danchev
danchev at spnet.net
Sat Oct 1 09:27:05 UTC 2005
On Saturday 01 October 2005 10:04, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > > sorry, rejected for now.
> > > The source contains lib/iLBC, which at least has a rfc3951.txt, which
> > > license is non-free. Also all the other source files there state a (C)
> > > by Internet Society (2004), *All Rights Reserved*. Looking at the name
> > > i doubt its free, and searching for the library name got me to a site,
> > > having a license link[1][2] which starts so horrible non-free that I
> > > stopped reading it.
> >
> > Good catch. We have missed that one within the upstream tarball of
> > kiax-0.8.4.tar.bz2 as found at SF. I will ask debian-legal for advise
> > about iLBC but as a freeware license [1] it doesn't sound good enough
> > even the redistribution is allowed since it limits the commercial use at
> > least. Anyway that's an iaxclient issue shipped with the upstream kiax
> > tarball (the lib/ directory), but we have already had iaxclient packages
> > in Debian archive (iaxclient-0.0+cvs20050725) without lib/iLBC. While
> > looking at the kiax 0.8.4 sources I realized that it can compile with the
> > lib/ directory from iaxclient-0.0+cvs20050725 debian source package
> > (which I believe is DFSG'ed). In fact it did and works, but that needs a
> > close investigaton to see what we lose without iLBC. I would like to
> > follow the shared library way Mikael Magnusson suggested at bug #319201
> > and build depend on libiaxclient-dev while educate kiax of using it.
> Does this affect Asterisk?
Well I think it is DFSG-compliant since at least the tarball name suggests
that like dfsg.X.orig.tar.gz, although there should be a note about removed
non-free files in copyright file or README.Debian I'm missing here ?
That is what I think to do for kiax-0.8.4 - to remove the bits not found in
I'll review the diff soon and to get a clue what will be stripped in fact and
produce kiax_0.8.4.dfsg.1.orig.tar.gz.
Any objections for doing so ?
> > > Next issue is that your debian/copyright is wrong, its missing a bit
> > > of license information. You need to list *all* different copyright
> > > holders and licenses that are in your sourcepackage.
> > > Missing are at least lib/libspeex (which has at least 2 different
> > > licenses, maybe more).,
> >
> > Agreed. I had a look at excellent
> > iaxclient-0.0+cvs20050725/debian/copyright file and it also doesn't
> > mention lib/libspeex copyright holders and licenses. I believe it should
> > be fix there also.
> Any reason not to use the existing speex package?
Well I'm not sure if the iaxclient package will use the existing speex library
package, but we should educate at least kiax's upstream to use the installed
system libraries and not to distribute them with the tarball. The very reason
for such kind of mess, overlap and waste of space is the current unstable
API's of these libraries of course which makes the authors to distribute with
their sources proven and known to work snapshot of the library.
Also the build system of kiax is still incomplete and not efficient at the
moment and I do not want to approach upstream with autotools either [1]. I'm
more inclined to go for scons/bksys for example even though it not spread
enough for the time being.
[1] http://sam.zoy.org/lectures/20050910-debian/
[2] http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=19243
pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB 2003-03-18 <people.fccf.net/danchev/key pgp.mit.edu>
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