Bug#310516: marked as done (gnugk: ftbfs [sparc] RasTbl.cxx:31:22: stl_supp.h: No such file or directory)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Thu Sep 1 21:03:07 UTC 2005

Your message dated Thu, 01 Sep 2005 21:57:05 +0100
with message-id <43176B21.1060100 at debian.org>
and subject line gnugk built for C++ migration.
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 24 May 2005 02:52:04 +0000
>From blarson at blars.org Mon May 23 19:52:04 2005
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From: Blars Blarson <blarson at blars.org>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit at bugs.debian.org>
Subject: gnugk: ftbfs [sparc] RasTbl.cxx:31:22: stl_supp.h: No such file or directory
X-Mailer: reportbug 1.50
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 19:51:49 -0700
Delivered-To: submit at bugs.debian.org
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Package: gnugk
Version: 2.2.2-2
Severity: serious
Tags: sid
Justification: Policy 3.3

gnugk failed to build on the sparc buildd.  It did build fine on my
sparc pbuilder, so it could be a due to problem in one of the
dependancies or sbuild/pbuilder differences or a broken sbuild
environment on vore.

g++ -I/usr/include/postgresql/ -DHAS_PGSQL=1  -I/usr/include/mysql -DHAS_MYSQL=1 -DHAS_RADIUS=1 -DHAS_MSG_NOSIGNAL=1  -D'MANUFACTURER=GNU' -D'PROGRAMMNAME=Gatekeeper' -DPTRACING  -DP_USE_PRAGMA -D_REENTRANT  -Wall  -I/usr/share/pwlib//include -DPTRACING -I/usr/include/openh323 -DHAS_OSS -fexceptions -DMAJOR_VERSION=2 -DMINOR_VERSION=2 -DBUILD_NUMBER=2 -O2  -felide-constructors -x c++ -c RasTbl.cxx -o obj_linux_sparc_r/RasTbl.o
RasTbl.cxx:31:22: stl_supp.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:32:21: SoftPBX.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:33:20: RasSrv.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:34:22: GkClient.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:35:22: GkStatus.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:36:26: ProxyChannel.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:37:20: gkacct.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:38:20: RasTbl.h: No such file or directory
RasTbl.cxx:61: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:95: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadEndpointConfig' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx:96: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:98: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:108: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_endpointIdentifier' 
   with no type
RasTbl.cxx:108: error: `rrq' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:109: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalAliases' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx:109: error: `rrq' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:110: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalType' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:110: error: `rrq' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:111: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:115: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_fromParent' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:116: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `
   m_hasCallCreditCapabilities' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:116: error: `rrq' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:119: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:121: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:125: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:126: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_callSignalAddress' 
   with no type
RasTbl.cxx:126: error: `arq' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:127: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalType' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:127: error: redefinition of `int m_terminalType'
RasTbl.cxx:110: error: `int m_terminalType' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:127: error: `termType' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:128: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_timeToLive' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:128: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:128: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:128: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:128: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:129: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_fromParent' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:129: error: redefinition of `int m_fromParent'
RasTbl.cxx:115: error: `int m_fromParent' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:130: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:132: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:137: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_callSignalAddress' 
   with no type
RasTbl.cxx:137: error: redefinition of `int m_callSignalAddress'
RasTbl.cxx:126: error: `int m_callSignalAddress' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:137: error: `acf' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:138: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:142: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalType' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:142: error: redefinition of `int m_terminalType'
RasTbl.cxx:127: error: `int m_terminalType' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:142: error: `acf' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_timeToLive' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: redefinition of `int m_timeToLive'
RasTbl.cxx:128: error: `int m_timeToLive' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:144: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_fromParent' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:144: error: redefinition of `int m_fromParent'
RasTbl.cxx:129: error: `int m_fromParent' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:145: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:147: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:150: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_callSignalAddress' 
   with no type
RasTbl.cxx:150: error: redefinition of `int m_callSignalAddress'
RasTbl.cxx:137: error: `int m_callSignalAddress' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:150: error: `lcf' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:151: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:155: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalType' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:155: error: redefinition of `int m_terminalType'
RasTbl.cxx:142: error: `int m_terminalType' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:155: error: `lcf' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_timeToLive' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: redefinition of `int m_timeToLive'
RasTbl.cxx:143: error: `int m_timeToLive' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:157: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_fromParent' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:157: error: redefinition of `int m_fromParent'
RasTbl.cxx:144: error: `int m_fromParent' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:158: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:160: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:167: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:170: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadEndpointConfig' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx:171: error: syntax error before `return'
RasTbl.cxx:174: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:177: error: `cfg' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:179: error: syntax error before `for'
RasTbl.cxx:179: error: request for member `GetSize' in `m_terminalAliases', 
   which is of non-aggregate type `int'
RasTbl.cxx:179: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:179: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:231: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:238: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:246: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_timeToLive' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:246: error: redefinition of `int m_timeToLive'
RasTbl.cxx:156: error: `int m_timeToLive' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:246: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:246: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:247: error: `SoftPBX' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:247: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:248: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:251: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:260: error: syntax error before `->' token
RasTbl.cxx:262: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_natsocket' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:262: error: invalid conversion from `int (*)(int, int, int) throw ()
   ' to `int'
RasTbl.cxx:263: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:266: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:269: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_rasAddress' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:269: error: `a' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:270: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:272: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:275: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_endpointIdentifier' 
   with no type
RasTbl.cxx:275: error: redefinition of `int m_endpointIdentifier'
RasTbl.cxx:108: error: `int m_endpointIdentifier' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:275: error: `i' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:276: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:278: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:282: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalAliases' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx:282: error: redefinition of `int m_terminalAliases'
RasTbl.cxx:109: error: `int m_terminalAliases' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:282: error: `a' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:283: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:284: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadConfig' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:285: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:287: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:291: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_terminalType' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:291: error: conflicting types for `int*m_terminalType'
RasTbl.cxx:155: error: previous declaration as `int m_terminalType'
RasTbl.cxx:291: error: `t' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:292: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:293: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadConfig' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:294: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:296: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:300: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_nat' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:301: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_natip' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:301: error: `ip' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:306: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:308: error: invalid initialization of reference of type '
   H225_TransportAddress_ipAddress&' from expression of type 'int'
RasTbl.cxx:309: error: syntax error before `for'
RasTbl.cxx:309: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:315: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:317: error: `a' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:317: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:317: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:319: error: request for member `GetSize' in `m_terminalAliases', 
   which is of non-aggregate type `int'
RasTbl.cxx:319: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:319: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:326: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:331: error: `aliases' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:331: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:331: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:333: error: request for member `GetSize' in `m_terminalAliases', 
   which is of non-aggregate type `int'
RasTbl.cxx:333: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:333: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:342: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:363: error: `lcf' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:363: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `SetRasAddress' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:364: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:367: error: `m_usedLock' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:368: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_updatedTime' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:368: error: cannot convert `PTime' to `int' in initialization
RasTbl.cxx:369: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `m_pollCount' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:370: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:372: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:378: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:407: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:418: error: `IsNATed' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:418: error: request for member `AsString' in `m_natip', which is of 
   non-aggregate type `int'
RasTbl.cxx:419: error: `m_usedLock' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:419: error: redefinition of `PWaitAndSignal lock'
RasTbl.cxx:367: error: `PWaitAndSignal lock' previously declared here
RasTbl.cxx:420: error: syntax error before `+=' token
RasTbl.cxx:425: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:430: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:432: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:434: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:435: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:436: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:437: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:438: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:439: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:440: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:441: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:442: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:445: error: `GetRasAddress' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:446: error: `GetEndpointIdentifier' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:448: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:450: error: syntax error before `->' token
RasTbl.cxx:453: error: syntax error before `->' token
RasTbl.cxx:457: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:462: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:463: error: redefinition of `H225_RasMessage ras_msg'
RasTbl.cxx:431: error: `H225_RasMessage ras_msg' previously declared here
RasTbl.cxx:464: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:466: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:467: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:470: error: `GetRasAddress' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:471: error: `GetEndpointIdentifier' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:471: error: redefinition of `PString msg'
RasTbl.cxx:447: error: `PString msg' previously declared here
RasTbl.cxx:472: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:473: error: syntax error before `->' token
RasTbl.cxx:478: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:486: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:487: error: `sessions' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:487: error: `sessionIndex' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:491: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:493: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:496: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:499: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:500: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:503: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:505: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:509: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:513: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:514: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:515: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:517: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:518: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:522: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:526: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadGatewayConfig' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx:527: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:529: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:532: error: `m_usedLock' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:532: error: redefinition of `PWaitAndSignal lock'
RasTbl.cxx:419: error: `PWaitAndSignal lock' previously declared here
RasTbl.cxx:533: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadGatewayConfig' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx:534: error: syntax error before `return'
RasTbl.cxx:537: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:540: error: redefinition of `const PStringList sections'
RasTbl.cxx:177: error: `const PStringList sections' previously declared here
RasTbl.cxx:540: error: `cfg' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:542: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:548: error: request for member `GetSize' in `m_terminalAliases', 
   which is of non-aggregate type `int'
RasTbl.cxx:548: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:548: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:552: error: `i' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:553: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:555: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `priority' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:555: error: `cfg' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:556: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:562: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `SortPrefixes' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:563: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:565: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:572: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:578: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:581: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:593: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:596: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:598: error: `protocols' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:598: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:601: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:615: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:623: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:626: error: `p' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:626: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:630: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:634: error: syntax error before `=' token
RasTbl.cxx:635: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:636: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `defaultGW' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:636: error: `Prefixes' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:636: error: `Prefixes' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:636: error: `Prefixes' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:637: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:639: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:645: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:651: error: syntax error before `=' token
RasTbl.cxx:652: error: syntax error before `=' token
RasTbl.cxx:654: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `matchedalias' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:656: error: syntax error before `for'
RasTbl.cxx:656: error: `aliases' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:656: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:656: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:668: error: syntax error before `=' token
RasTbl.cxx:677: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `maxlen' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:677: error: `len' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:678: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `matchedalias' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:678: error: redefinition of `int matchedalias'
RasTbl.cxx:654: error: `int matchedalias' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:678: error: `i' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:679: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:698: error: `aliases' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:698: error: syntax error before `;' token
RasTbl.cxx:698: error: syntax error before `++' token
RasTbl.cxx:731: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:740: error: syntax error before `=' token
RasTbl.cxx:743: error: syntax error before `+=' token
RasTbl.cxx:745: error: syntax error before `+=' token
RasTbl.cxx:750: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:756: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:760: error: `completeLCF' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:761: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:763: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `SortPrefixes' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:764: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:765: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `defaultGW' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:765: error: redefinition of `int defaultGW'
RasTbl.cxx:636: error: `int defaultGW' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:766: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:770: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:773: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `recCnt' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:774: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `ozCnt' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:776: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `LoadConfig' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:777: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:779: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:783: error: `RemovedList' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:783: error: `EndpointRec' was not declared in this scope
RasTbl.cxx:783: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:783: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `ForEachInContainer' with 
   no type
RasTbl.cxx: In function `int ForEachInContainer(...)':
RasTbl.cxx:784: error: `RemovedList' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:784: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for 
   each function it appears in.)
RasTbl.cxx:784: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `DeleteObjectsInContainer
   ' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:785: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:787: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:803: error: syntax error before `if'
RasTbl.cxx:829: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:835: error: syntax error before `=' token
RasTbl.cxx:844: error: `rrq' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:844: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `GenerateAlias' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:844: error: initializer list being treated as compound expression
RasTbl.cxx:845: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:847: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:851: error: `listLock' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:851: error: 'WriteLock' is used as a type, but is not defined as a 
RasTbl.cxx:852: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:857: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:860: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `epID' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:860: error: `endpointIdSuffix' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:861: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:862: error: 'WriteLock' is used as a type, but is not defined as a 
RasTbl.cxx:863: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:867: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:870: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `epID' with no type
RasTbl.cxx:870: error: redefinition of `int epID'
RasTbl.cxx:860: error: `int epID' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:872: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:880: error: 'WriteLock' is used as a type, but is not defined as a 
RasTbl.cxx:881: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:885: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:888: error: 'WriteLock' is used as a type, but is not defined as a 
RasTbl.cxx:889: error: `EndpointList' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:889: error: `ep' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:889: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `InternalRemove' with no 
RasTbl.cxx:890: error: syntax error before `}' token
RasTbl.cxx:892: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:896: error: `epId' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:897: error: `EndpointRec' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:897: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:897: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `InternalRemove' with no 
RasTbl.cxx: In function `int InternalRemove(...)':
RasTbl.cxx:897: error: `int InternalRemove(...)' redeclared as different kind 
   of symbol
RasTbl.cxx:889: error: previous declaration of `int InternalRemove'
RasTbl.cxx:889: error: previous non-function declaration `int InternalRemove'
RasTbl.cxx:897: error: conflicts with function declaration `int 
RasTbl.cxx:901: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:907: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:908: error: syntax error before `.' token
RasTbl.cxx:922: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:933: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:942: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx: In function `bool <unnamed>::operator==(const 
   H225_TransportAddress&, PIPSocket::Address)':
RasTbl.cxx:958: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:963: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:969: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:974: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:982: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:982: error: missing ';' before right brace
RasTbl.cxx:983: error: ISO C++ forbids defining types within return type
RasTbl.cxx:983: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:984: error: non-local function `bool operator<(const 
   <unnamed>::operator==(const H225_TransportAddress&, 
   PIPSocket::Address)::GWPtr&)' uses local type `const 
   <unnamed>::operator==(const H225_TransportAddress&, 
RasTbl.cxx:984: error: `bool operator<(const <unnamed>::operator==(const 
   H225_TransportAddress&, PIPSocket::Address)::GWPtr&)' must take exactly two 
RasTbl.cxx: In function `bool operator<(const <unnamed>::operator==(const 
   H225_TransportAddress&, PIPSocket::Address)::GWPtr&)':
RasTbl.cxx:984: error: `gwptr' undeclared (first use this function)
RasTbl.cxx:984: error: base operand of `->' has non-pointer type `const 
   <unnamed>::operator==(const H225_TransportAddress&, 
RasTbl.cxx:985: error: syntax error before `*' token
RasTbl.cxx:991: error: syntax error before `::' token
RasTbl.cxx:1000: error: redefinition of `int maxlen'
RasTbl.cxx:677: error: `int maxlen' previously defined here
RasTbl.cxx:1000: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
make[1]: *** [obj_linux_sparc_r/RasTbl.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/build/buildd/gnugk-2.2.2'
make: *** [build] Error 2

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I'm closing this as gnugk built fine for sparc on the C++ migration.



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