Bug#381305: asterisk: Asterisk makes whole system crash if zaptel module not available

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Sun Aug 6 12:27:15 UTC 2006

On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 11:26:04AM -0400, Xavier Douville wrote:
> Package: asterisk
> Version: 1:
> Severity: important
> If asterisk is configured to use a zap channel, and the zaptel module is 
> not loaded (with udev it also means that /dev/zap doesn't exist) my whole 
> system crashes about 3 seconds later. I can still ping it but I can't 
> ssh to it, and the local console is frozen too.
> This occurs each time I upgrade the kernel and reboot.

Can you connect with the manager interface? port 5038 (make sure it's
set to listen on all interfaces first). If so: asterisk is still
running. See below. If not: probably some sort of kernel panic that
somehow left the networking stack in tact.

Assuming the former:
What you describe seems to be asterisk using 100% CPU. In the default
configuration of the package asterisk runs with -p for "real-time"
scheduling priority.

Edit /etc/asterisk/default and set there 'AST_REALTIME=no' . This should
allow you to at least get a system that is functioning. 

Tzafrir Cohen         sip:tzafrir at local.xorcom.com
icq#16849755          iax:tzafrir at local.xorcom.com
+972-50-7952406          jabber:tzafrir at jabber.org
tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com     http://www.xorcom.com

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