asterisk dapper.2114_to_dapper.2234 diff

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Mon Aug 7 06:41:24 UTC 2006

On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 09:10:28AM +0300, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> Hi Jonas,
> I am trying to propagate your changes into the debian package (I will also 
> bring asterisk_fix into the main asterisk package "soon"). One small 
> question:
> The chown you are using is weird... "asterisk:" I was under the impression 
> that is should be "asterisk:asterisk". The reason is that in order to make 
> ARI ( and freePBX 
> ( work, we need to add the www-data group into the 
> asterisk group and set those dir to be g+rw. 

Actually the file it needs to write is the infamous voicemail.conf . It
naturally needs to read that file. I'm not sure if it needs to read any
other files in the asterisk directory.

Tzafrir Cohen         sip:tzafrir at
icq#16849755          iax:tzafrir at
+972-50-7952406          jabber:tzafrir at
tzafrir.cohen at

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