flash operator needs some love

Alejandro Ríos P. alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co
Wed Aug 16 04:33:42 UTC 2006

El mar, 15-08-2006 a las 10:52 +0300, Diego Iastrubni escribió:
> Hi,
> I have been looking into op-panel, and IMHO it needs some work to be done on, 
> as the package is not perfectly functional. I have started working, and I 
> have a semi-working patch (some parts of it you will now like, but I am doing 
> them to ease my work...). The modifications are:

I agree that the package needs some work, thanks for your help. Please
send small patches and not huge big patches.

> 1) the service runs as root today. this is a big "nono". the patch creates a 
> new user (op-panel) with a home directory (/var/lib/op-panel).

> 2) the dhtml panel was not working, since variables.txt was not available to 
> it. now the variables.txt is saved in $HOME and linked to the both panels 
> (flash+dhtml)

> 3) new links are been made in /var/www:
> 	panel -> /usr/share/op-panel/flash
> 	dpanel -> /usr/share/op-panel/dhtml

> 4) i am working on another set of alternative configuration called rapid, 
> which contains auto-detection of extensions. still not working but it will be 
> available "soon"
Please commit this kind of stuff on a separated branch (and not trunk)
so we can help testing it.

> 5) a manager configuration in /etc/asterisk/manager.d/ which will enable the 
> server to be used out of the box.
I agree.

> 6) many cleanups to the various files, which IMHO make it easier to read
We shall take a look at that ;)

> The patch I am working on can be attached on the next mail if you ask, about 
> 9kb compressed with bz2, or sent directly anyone who asks. It's ugly and 
> contains some hacks (like not building the swf files as the original pkg-voip 
> rules does).  All those hacks will be removed work on the final upload.

Again, please send small and readable patches. I'm clearly interested on
the changes, since I feel I'm the main responsible for the package.

Thanks and regards.
Alejandro Ríos Peña
 Avatar Ltda.
 Bogotá D.C.
 (+57) 300 390 4764
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