Bug#393725: about the update-alternatives problem
Santiago Ruano Rincón
santiago at unicauca.edu.co
Tue Dec 5 03:29:58 CET 2006
I'm not sure if the problem is with the lastest dpkg package (1.13.24),
but, I get the correct result of `update-alternatives --config op-panel`
when I change "asternic" for "destar" in these two lines of destar's
--slave /etc/op-panel/op_astdb.cfg
op-astdb-cfg /etc/op-panel/asternic/op_astdb.cfg \
--slave /etc/op-panel/op_style.cfg
op-style-cfg /etc/op-panel/asternic/op_style.cfg
Plase, check that.
Kind regards,
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