
Kilian Krause kilian at
Wed Dec 6 09:08:22 CET 2006

Dear John,

On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 05:36:29PM -0800, John Callaci, PhD wrote:
> We are looking at possibly using Asterisk Open Source PBX as a base at our
> company and may need to modify it quite extensively for video.
> We need to find a local programmer to work with us and need to specify the
> right box for the application.
> Is there any way we could view the performance of the code using multiple
> video sources communicating and switching?

You might want to check with Craig Southeren <craigs at>
for this topic. Asterisk doesn't really concentrate on video usually
whereas the OPAL library and with it the new OpenMCU are currently
undergoing a certain testing for video switching and optimization if
Craig finds the time. 

Either way, Debian is not a primarily a group of coders but rather a
bunch of packagers, so asking upstream (Digium, Voxgratia, YATE, Ekiga,
...) you stand a much better chance to actually find some local
programmer capable of doing what you search for.

Best regards,

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