Bug#400705: zaptel-source: still fails to build against 2.6.19-rc6 and 2.6.19

Mark Purcell msp at debian.org
Sat Dec 9 13:56:30 CET 2006

On Friday 08 December 2006 21:39, Andrea Borgia wrote:
> Tried both m-a and make-kpkg, same errors.
> Does it matter that the kernel "build" link points to an unusual location?


zaptel, as far as I can tell is building fine against 2.6.18 which is the 
target kernel for etch.

We only have a matter of days/ weeks before etch freezes, so I wouldn't like 
to introduce any late changes to zaptel at this stage.

Also given the short timeframe before etch freezes, we should be working to 
getting the pkg-voip packages to a sensible state for etch...

Thus I'll give this bug a relatively low priority until etch releases.


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