sofia-sip 1.12.4-2 ready for upload, Closes: #404008

George Danchev danchev at
Sat Dec 23 14:56:38 UTC 2006

Hey guys,
	sofia-sip 1.12.4-2 ready for upload [1]. The revision closes serious bug 
#404008. Please review svn rev 2837 and upload. Thanks for your time! 

[1] sofia-sip (1.12.4-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  [ Kai Vehmanen ]
  * Do not install addrinfo binary and man page. (Closes: #404008).
    Next upstream release will contain a renamed binary that can
    be added back to the package.
  * Fixed problem with running top-level doxygen target twice

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

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