Bug#404008: Conflicting manpages was removed in ndisc6.

George Danchev danchev at spnet.net
Sun Dec 24 10:19:03 UTC 2006

On Sunday 24 December 2006 11:56, Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:

> > > I'm downgrading this bug rather then closing it
> > > since I believe sofia-sip-bin is not the right place for this
> > > manpage. It should probably be moved over to some more suitable
> > > package (like manpages-dev?).
> I might be wrong, but it was my understanding that manpages-dev included
> documentation for "base" stuff, mostly libc. Anyway, the manpage should
> be installed from the same package as the binary.

Sure. I believe you are correct on that line.

> > 	Right, the file collision is now gone since Rémi Denis-Courmont
> > uploaded ndisc6 (0.7.3-2) to unstable. Sofia SIP will still have
> > `addrinfo' executable and manpage (since they might need to deviate
> > and evolve on their own), but they will be prefixed with sip-*
> > namespace in the future, starting from its next upstream release.
> Hmm, if Pekka and Kai decided to do that, I'm fine with it, but their
> addrinfo is not really SIP-specific.

Nobody knows the future, so let's have some more room to maneuvre ;-) Anyway 
having ocupied too generic names for no good reasons is always a call for 
trouble, so any sort of renaming is in order here.

> I have sofia-sip 1.12.4-1 and ndisc6 0.7.3-2 on the same system. Works
> fine, so I guess you can afford to wait for the next upstream Sofia-SIP
> release. I let you decide with release management there.

Right. This morning I withdrawed my previous request for upload of sofia-sip 
1.12.4-2 package [1].

> Sorry for failing to Cc #404008 in the first place.

No problem. All systems go now.


pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB 2003-03-18 <people.fccf.net/danchev/key pgp.mit.edu>
fingerprint 1AE7 7C66 0A26 5BFF DF22 5D55 1C57 0C89 0E4B D0AB 

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