Towards becoming a pkg-voip developer

Caio Begotti caio at
Fri Feb 24 15:10:20 UTC 2006

On Friday 24 February 2006 12:01, Mark Purcell wrote:
> Finally on the cdbs, there are a number of packages in voip-maintainers
> which are cdbs (twinkle, kphone, ...) mainly done by myself.  I'm happy
> with cdbs and am also using in in pkg-kde-extras, so am happy to sign,
> sponsor cdbs packages as well.

It's the kind of message that increase my personal motivation heheh... as I 
have updated Tzafrir in private, tonight starts a 4-days holiday weekend in 
Brazil and I *will* work on my Unicall and MFC/R2 related packages using 
CDBS. I hope they'll be okay quickly so a svn-buildpackage works. Thank you 
Mark for the checklist for new contributions too.

PS: have removed the others from Cc: since it's just a thanks message.


Caio Begotti (caio1982)

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