unicall packages to review

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Mon Feb 27 19:33:15 UTC 2006

Hi pkg-voip,

I worked a bit on my Unicall, Supertone, MFC/R2 and chan_unicall.so packages 
in the last 2 days (not much as I'd like) and I guess you could take a look 
again at them. But what's the best way to provide my stuff to review on the 
list? Using the same estructure of pkg-voip SVN, just the "debian/" dirs 
online somewhere or... what? I'd like to test the building process using 
Tazfrir's set of commands (svn-buildpackage etc).

This is what I have now. Please notice that asterisk-chan-unicall has just 
one .c file inside it since it's all upstream released and I don't know yet 
how to package it properly... although I asked him to package it right, even 
using a Makefile I've written. That's why I tried to use debhelper on this 
one, until he "fixes" that; then I'll just use CDBS:

Ref: http://caio.ueberalles.net/asterisk/go_debian/
caio1982 at caio:~/pkg-voip/caio1982$ tree -d
|-- asterisk-chan-unicall
|   `-- debian
|-- libmfcr2
|   `-- debian
|       `-- patches
|-- libsupertone
|   `-- debian
|-- libunicall
|   `-- debian
`-- tarballs

In case it's possible (is it?) to me to inject them all in SVN to try out 
svn-buildpackage after any new addition, my account on Alioth is 

Anyway, I'll check them now with Lintian/Pbuilder for some errors (probably 
dependencias declarations are still faulty). And since I need some E1 card to 
fully test Unicall and MFC/R2 it would take some time to me to get it (maybe 
on Wed, March 1st). Comments?


caio[1982] begotti

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