yate 1

George Danchev danchev at spnet.net
Thu Jul 13 05:59:38 UTC 2006

On Thursday 13 July 2006 7:40 am, Diana Cionoiu wrote:
> Hello Debian,


> Yate 1.0 is out. The packets for Debian can be found at:
> http://yate.null.ro/tarballs/yate1/deb-unstable/?M=D

I see only .deb files at that location. In order to be reviewed at length your 
debian packages should provide orig.tar.gz and diff.gz files along with the 
*.changes and/or *.dsc files, so one can easily verify and build for himself 
the debian source package. In fact the debian yate packages are being 
maintained by Debian VoIP Team (accesible via that mailing list), but the 
last major input I see in svn trunk is for 0.9.0-0.pre4.dfsg-1. If the 
upstream (you) want to help with debian packaging (which is great) it is a 
good idea to coordinate your efforts with the Debian VoIP Team to avoid 
duplicating works.

I'd also propose to remove the contrib/ilbc from your tarball since the 
debian's orig.tar.gz wouldn't be repackaged with that non-free stuff removed.

pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB 2003-03-18 <people.fccf.net/danchev/key pgp.mit.edu>
fingerprint 1AE7 7C66 0A26 5BFF DF22 5D55 1C57 0C89 0E4B D0AB 

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