asterisk packages some fixes

Thiago Martins thiago at
Wed Jul 26 15:22:57 UTC 2006

Em Qua, 2006-07-26 às 01:21 -0400, Diego Iastrubni escreveu:
> On Tuesday 25 July 2006 16:30, you wrote:
> > In the asterisk package:
> > * asterisk_fix is on this package:
> it was not there...?
No, it's not there! So I must add this 3 lines on "install: build" in
the debian/rules:

"mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share/asterisk/bin
cp debian/asterisk_fix $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share/asterisk/bin
chmod +x $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/share/asterisk/bin/asterisk_fix"

and in the new file asterisk.install:

> > * asterisk.install with: "usr/share/asterisk/bin" and
> > "usr/share/asterisk/firmware/iax"
> > * asterisk.postinst with: "if asterisk is not running - start it,
> > otherwise reload."
> I am not following this... 
ok, I'm not too.

> > * Init.d script must manage /var/run/asterisk dir, not the package
> > itself, because of varrun solution on Ubuntu is very different. So, I
> > commented out "dh_installdirs var/run/asterisk" in the debian/rules.
> NIce to know. Ok, now I am definetly sure that debian != ubuntu.
Yeah! Ubuntu != Debian. So, never use a Debian package on Ubuntu without changes.

> > * RUNASTERISK is now "yes" per default.
> YES! Now only the debian packages stink! Nice work!

> > In the debian/rules:
> > * install asterisk_fix on the package asterisk.
> > * comment "dh_installdirs var/run/asterisk".
> >
> > And other minor changes.
> >
> > How can I increase the release version "1.dapper.2078" ? To ".2079"?
> See the changelog file. Isn't it there? 

 I see in the changelog... but I think the changes aren't for Ubuntu...

PS.: I want/thinking in re-create the entire debian/* for the asterisk
source on Ubuntu, without bristuff and some patches, maybe using cdbs...
But I'm not sure if this work is necessary... What do you think?


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