asterisk packages some fixes

Kilian Krause kilian at
Wed Jul 26 17:46:05 UTC 2006


> How can I increase the release version "1.dapper.2078" ? To ".2079"?

just edit the top line in debian/changelog and recompile. That's all.
You can either upload to (yet I don't know what they
will think about a snapshot release in their archive) or you can
alternatively host it on private webspace. If anyone can reckon to me
that is a bad idea, I can also add a private archive
pool for testing within the pkg-voip.buildserver domain, yet I would
welcome to just see patches on the mailinglist archive and then have the
SVN and regular scripts deal with it. 

So, Thiago, would it alternatively be possible for you to just send the
full "diff -urN debian/ ../asterisk.old/debian" output in a properly
bzipped or gzipped format to this mailinglist?

Best regards,
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