sofia-sip packaging considerations

Kilian Krause kilian at
Thu Jun 15 19:53:21 UTC 2006

Hi George,

> > > > 	1) -bin package
> It is more consistent with other package already in the archive:

well, ok. Surely there's also others and you are right that there's both
versions exist. As long as it's only helper programs to the library that
itself don't really have any importance on their own, I'm positive that
you have a point there. In case they do have a life on their own, I'd
rather ditch the -bin personally, yet I'll leave it up to you and Kai to
ultimately decide on that.

> Sorry for the confusion, but the truth is that it is me who is requesting 
> Kai's svn access. My justifications are: 

Yes, i did see it wasn't his idea in the first place. No problems. ;)

> * Yes I know we are not after to have every upstream added to pkg-voip repo, 
> but I am requesting his help as Debian package maintainer ;-)

Ok, let's give it a try. I've added his account to alioth. The sync
should be through tomorrow morning to the svn server (costa). From then
on the access should be available and fully working. Either of you let
me know in case you need any other help. ;)

Best regards,
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