op-panel and libswl-perl

Alejandro Ríos P. alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co
Sat Jun 17 07:16:52 UTC 2006


El sáb, 17-06-2006 a las 08:51 +0200, Kilian Krause escribió:
> Alejandro,
> > http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-voip-maintainers/2006-May/004853.html
> oups. I've just found the repository. I'll try to review it today and
> make a snapshot upload into the pkg-voip archive.

I have an issue with the op-panel package rigth now. The swf movie eats
all of the CPU when loaded. I think it's because of the fonts I'm trying
to compile the package with.

I can't include the original fonts used by upstream, because they're
Arial, and are not DSFG-friendly.

If we can make the panel use the bitstream fonts as I'm trying to do,
the upstream will ship the original source with them, so I'm going to
keep trying to build it well.


Alejandro Ríos Peña

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