op-panel and libswl-perl

Kilian Krause kilian at debian.org
Sun Jun 18 08:50:52 UTC 2006


*please* do not CC me when writing to mailinglists I do read (and matter
of factly even maintain). Thanks!

Am Sonntag, den 18.06.2006, 00:20 -0500 schrieb Alejandro Ríos P.:
> So Kilian, I think you should change the font names on your ming-font
> package and we should change the 03_libmingfonts.dpatch file according
> to this as well.

Well, we do distribute all the original ming-fonts as are found on
ming.sf.net now and the point with not *selling* their original font
under their name is just obvious (you may still sell it under your name
with or without changes from how I read the license). Therefore,
personally, I have no problem with that with regards to the copyright,
yet IANAL. 

This being said, what's your proposal what the change should be? Back to
Arioso just for the sake of it? Without chaning *anything* in the file
itself? Sorry if I have just not gotten the point.

Moreover, I'd rather leave the decisions up to Stuart, who is actually
standing up to maintaing the package later on. If he's agreed with it, I
see no problem sponsoring him from pkg-voip, but that's up to him too.
I've just had a very quick go at it to get the op-panel compilation out
of the failed builds in the autobuilder. That's all. Now we should get
things straight with Stuart, not me. ;)

Best regards,
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