op-panel and libswl-perl

Diego Iastrubni diego.iastrubni at xorcom.com
Sun Jun 18 11:30:31 UTC 2006

While this is OT to this thread...


Can you run these commands on the postinst/prerm? I need them for 
integration with freepbx/amp.

The reason, is that freepbx/amp need a very specific configuration. 
Tzafrir and me were debating this for a few weeks/months, and this is 
the sanest solution found:

                update-alternatives --install 
/etc/op-panel/op_buttons.cfg op-buttons-cfg 
/etc/op-panel/op_buttons_rapid.cfg 10

                update-alternatives --remove op-buttons-cfg 

The packages for freepbx will contain a higher priority, and when 
installed by default will force op-panel to use the new configuration. 
We also have some code which can autogenerate the configuration for 
op-panel, but it depends on ast-cmd. We will try to find a better 
solution soon.


Kilian Krause wrote:

>Hi guys,
>I've just tried to give op-panel a testcompile and found that it
>build-depends on libswf-perl which was part of WOODY (sic!) yet in the
>wrong version. Someone able to enlighten me where the new version is
>supposed to come from?

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